Vertical scrolling: wrong result, or/and inability to enter notes with mouse in score with staves >1

• Feb 3, 2016 - 21:09
S3 - Major

cf44c20 / Windows7

Related to this issue, fixed: #93236: Page orientation “Vertical”: enter notes with mouse fails from a page > 1 , but incompletely if I understand correctly?


1) My First Score -> "I" -> Add a staff, or load this file: First Score 2 staves.mscz

2) Edit-> Preferences -> Canvas-> Scroll pages: tick "Vertically" -> Ok

3) Go in page 2: Enter a note in the bass clef with the mouse. Result: as expected.
Try now into the top staff, treble clef. Result:this (images below)

mesure 21.jpg
mesure 21 bis.jpg
mesure 21 quart.jpg
4) Add a third staff to "My First Score", or load this file: First Score 3 staves.mscz
Go in page 2 always, and repeat the step # 3. Same result, for the last two staves.

And now, try for the top staff. Result: complete inability to enter notes.
mesure 21 ter.jpg

- I put major priority in reason of the very bad display and unexpected result after the step #3 (and of course for the inability to enter notes with the mouse in "large" scores with this 'vertically' option)
