No sound out when a score is played in ARM chroot

• Feb 21, 2016 - 21:26
S3 - Major

In MuseScore 2.0.2 on my Android tablet when I play a score, the score is played smoothly, audio is connected to Jack driver, but there is no sound coming out. In the volume bar of the included Synthesizer I can see the peaks when notes are played, but I don´t hear anything. In the Synthesizer settings I can see the sound fonts (FluidR3).

I use ARM chroot where I hear audio normally (mp3). Can this be a problem: (Fluidsynth daemon won't start as root)? Can anybody help with it?

Computer: Android tablet 4.1.1 with ARMv7 (Prestigio MultiPad 7.0 HD Duo) using chroot and Arch Linux with the latest suite, LXDE environment, Musescore 2.0.2

Thank you


Clearly you and I have been able to get MuseScore audio to work in ARM chroot, as we discussed in #96256: Wrong characters when typing in GNU/Linux ARM.

For the record, the issue was that the chroot & vnc had trouble sending sending audio to the android, but was solved by using an android x-server XSDL that had a PULSE_AUDIO server, which mscore could talk to directly by using "export PULSE_SERVER=tcp:ipofpulseserver:portofpulseserver".

Also best to keep such discussion about unsuppored things (like running musescore in android chroot) in the regular forums (maybe technical preview forum?) first before making an issue. Once I (or another other dev) determines that something with ARM chroot is an actual issue issue (which could be fixed with coding), then can put in an issue, with a more specific title/description.