
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Cannot remove one bar or time signature in a particular piece. 19 3 years ago
Issue [EPIC] UI/UX issues and suggestions mike320 11 3 years ago
Forum topic Scale for parts in 100% Rudi cj7tb 4 3 years ago
Forum topic Repeat to final ending gavinmortimer 16 3 years ago
Forum topic How to I convert my Musescore Score or parts to PDF? jjpentz63 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Starting Bars In A New Line gus1872 7 3 years ago
Forum topic Bug with blank stave suppression on first page dave2020X 12 3 years ago
Forum topic Addiional descant stave jurekm 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Hairpins do not change loudness mid-note. Mraco_o 39 3 years ago
Forum topic 12/8 bar to 4/4 with triplets sprock 8 3 years ago
Forum topic Deleting staves Mac B 7 3 years ago
Forum topic Clicking sound that matches beats? bhs67 5 3 years ago
Forum topic [Shift + ←] causes wrong visuals on notes. Mraco_o 13 3 years ago
Forum topic Use a different stave/instrument setup on 2nd page yonah_ag 19 3 years ago
Forum topic Collaborative editing and version management invisible-fish 5 3 years ago
Forum topic Thoughts as a first-time user Mraco_o 27 3 years ago
Issue Provide option of filling measures with rests with or without augmentation dots Howard-C 3 3 years ago
Issue Measures Full of 9/16 Tuplets (and other Extreme Tuplets) Overflow Measures SJP176 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Select All Small Notes? Lets Rock 6 3 years ago
Forum topic 'Note input' mode Clive68 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Can Not Glue The Note With The Rest Note Tokey 6 3 years ago
Forum topic Missing Coda rcktech 5 3 years ago
Forum topic Barlines and measure numbers move, whenever I hide the notes ltkock 2 3 years ago
Forum topic Filtered view (like Focus on Staves in Sibelius) marckaptijn1 3 3 years ago
Forum topic Issue Copying Tremolo Between Two Notes deshumake2 5 3 years ago