
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic How do I increase the number of measures on a specific line tpgettys 15 2 years ago
Issue vertical justification defaults to false for imported scores tpgettys 1 2 years ago
Forum topic Can I suppress multiple clefs from being volenteered? tpgettys 2 2 years ago
Forum topic How do I properly transpose a score? tpgettys 40 2 years ago
Forum topic Eighth note followed by eighth rest not rendering tpgettys 5 2 years ago
Issue MuseScore crashes when deleting a score (Ctlr + Del) with slurs tpgettys 18 3 years ago
Issue Key signature in "master" track of MIDI file is ignored tpgettys 16 3 years ago
Forum topic Incorrect key signature? tpgettys 26 3 years ago
Forum topic Keep Instrument group unchanged tpgettys 12 3 years ago
Forum topic How do I delete a staff tpgettys 5 3 years ago
Issue Staff ID needed in Staff/Part Properties dialog tpgettys 0 3 years ago
Issue Positive feedback needed when Apply is clicked in the Staff/Part Properties tpgettys 0 3 years ago
Issue Behavior of the instrument catagory inconsistent between Edit / Instruments and Staff/Part Properties tpgettys 0 3 years ago
Forum topic Measure length incorrect tpgettys 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Measure length incorrect tpgettys 3 4 years ago
Forum topic How to show more than one clef/key signature tpgettys 11 4 years ago
Forum topic How to locate help tpgettys 15 4 years ago
Forum topic Quick reformat of score tpgettys 5 4 years ago
Forum topic Printing individual parts in an ensemble Eunice Steinke 4 4 years ago