
Issue Press Ctrl+number (3,4,5,6) while entering chord mode cause crash
Issue "Show courtesy" checkbox in clef Inspector does not work
Issue Adding Instrument, after changing location in the Dialog, leads to crash
Issue Crash splitting multimeasure rest
Issue Comma as a shortcut won't get saved
Issue [regression] some articulations are placed incorrectly far from the note
Issue [regression] some articulations are placed incorrectly far from the note
Issue Side panels not dockable after being undocked and closed once
Issue Mixer panel (not) showing
Issue Articulation and fret diagram min distance not saved
Issue [Regression] Bad layout of slurs in presence of cross-staff beams
Issue [Regression] Bad layout of beam in presence of cross-staff beam in another voice
Issue Turning off auto placement globally remove leading space in measures
Issue [Regression] Edits after first system cause additional space to accumulate between systems
Issue Deleting first measure causes crash when a hairpin starts there
Issue Select all glissandos in Range Selection fails
Issue Coloring glissando's: color visible in inspector but not on screen
Issue note-anchored line should connect notehead centers
Issue Hairpin with above placement moved onto staff jumps back on next layout
Issue Optimize size of Play Panel when docked
Issue Changes to scale of one staff can affect elements on other staves
Issue Tremolo positioned incorrectly for small chords
Issue More offsets that don't scale with staff size
Issue Lyric hyphens are removed in last measure before a system break
Issue Can only select first staff while in Single page view
Issue Figured bass properties not saved
Issue [Regression] Unable to start slur mode (within note input) one voice > 1 at end of measure
Issue clef change in one staff adds unnecessary spacing in other staves
Issue "Clef/key right margin" in Format>Style, Measure page, is ignored
Issue Single note dynamics not visible in MIDI output files