
Issue Tenor Clef does not appear after repeat
Issue Courtesy clefs don't appear on lines ending in repeat barlines
Issue Allow clef change after barline (for repeats)
Issue Extreme slowdown in continuous view, depending on number of beamed notes
Issue Selection lost on paste to single note
Issue Edit beam spanning two measures if shorter value in the other voice results in crash
Issue Inspector: highlight buttons on mouse over
Issue Lyrics with manual adjustments not imported consistently
Issue Bug: Newest Nightly Build Mis-aligns Lyrics
Issue Tabbing in edit mode leaves hairpin
Issue Score plays fine in 3.0, 3.1, fails online
Issue Glissando not copied if destination staff has links
Issue Leading space adjustment for generated elements lost on save/reload
Issue Stacking order, autoplace not saved for generated stems
Issue Italic text appended to a dynamic not correctly imported
Issue Piano keyboard display does not update when adding accidental using toolbar or palette
Issue Cannot add proper slur to grace notes when there are more than one.
Issue Line Issue - Hooks on diagonal lines are skewed
Issue setting crescendo / diminuendo lines and hairpins position to below staff doesn't 'survive' save/close/reopen
Issue Lines ignoring Placement and/or Offset style settings
Issue Vibrato style dialog not working?
Issue Set to staff default only affects first selected barline
Issue Double barlines span to next staff when instrument inserted
Issue Place Rehearsal Marks over barlines
Issue Right-aligned rehearsal marks should align to barline
Issue Rehearsal marks are incorrectly positioned in case of repeat barline
Issue Footer: add 5mm Y-offset to place within margin
Issue Style dialog shouldn't resize when left pane is hidden
Issue System distance unequal when system heights differ
Issue Switch to the tab, if I try to open a file that's already open in MuseScore