
Issue initial barline vanishes when changing linetype
Issue Double barline not synced in a score with parts
Issue "Dropping" end barline onto Multi-Measure rest should apply barline to *end* of multi-measure rest
Issue Double Bar lines do not extend between instruments
Issue Show barlines check box has no effect
Issue Hide system barlines check box has no effect
Issue Double barline doesn't appear on the staff of the added instrument
Issue Add end-start repeat barline back to barlines- and repeats palettes
Issue Redundant text style controls in various Style dialog sections
Issue remove MDL ends in crash
Issue Beam thickness not scaling with staff size
Issue Stem Displacement
Issue Elements not scaling with staff size
Issue Positions above/below staff not scaling with staff size
Issue Hairpin position changes on reload if horizontal offset applied on small staff
Issue Breaths & Pauses accumulate offset
Issue Part Name reference point in generated parts
Issue Measure Rests laid out incorrect x position in measure after adjusting their x/y offset
Issue Edits to "let ring" and "palm mute" lost on save/reload
Issue Lines: need to add text to "Palm Mute" and "let ring"
Issue Insert measure at beginning of system generates extra undeletable key signature.
Issue Fermatas prevent hiding of staves
Issue The "stemless" checkbox inside bar properties does not produce effect unless the page is redrawn
Issue Remove Selected Range (Timewise Delete) of a partial note in another voice leads to crash
Issue Figured bass style parameters not saved
Issue Ties arranged obliquely by automatic placement if more than one voice exists in a staff (MuseScore 3.1.0)
Issue Tie position incorect over line break without clef
Issue Accent-staccato playback bug in string quartet template
Issue Dot sizes small in instrument parts.
Issue Fermata manual adjustment not saved