
Issue Score causes crash on load, cross measure beam
Issue Cross staff trill bug
Issue Natural trill
Issue Fingering: adjusting position also moves other fingering on same note
Issue Stems and articulations added to skyline incorrectly for cross-staff notes
Issue Bug: Stems too long when line distance increased on staffs with less than five lines.
Issue Crash when creating parts if a rest on a wrong staff after using cross-staff notation
Issue Moving a key signature with Ctrl + Shift crashes the program
Issue Crashing on lyric entry
Issue Sometimes the undo operation does not correctly undo removal of lyrics.
Issue Fretboard diagrams: remove some "Set as style" buttons
Issue Fretboard diagrams: symbols on top of diagram, and position number do not resize when scaling is changed
Issue Playback cursor does not follow complex tuplets
Issue Arpeggios: user-modified height cannot be reset to the default
Issue Disappearing key signature in all but first stave
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barre lost on copying; and when saving to workspace
Issue Fretboard diagrams: Barré property is redundant
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré applied wrongly if there is another dot already at same position
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré deleted when separate dot is added afterwards at same position
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré deleted when you add a dot at another position
Issue Fretboard Diagrams: open string symbol persists even when a finger dot is applied
Issue The ability to draw partial barre is missing for fretboard diagrams
Issue Musescore Leaves Dots Under Barres in Chord Diagrams
Issue Barre Deletes Dots on Higher Frets
Issue Copy&Paste Fretboard diagram’s number is mirrored.
Issue MuseScore Crashes Immediately on Startup on Windows
Issue Version 3 will not open startcenter because OpenGL not supported
Issue Staff type change difficult to add
Issue Deleting staff type change does not update score
Issue Changes to scale of one staff can affect elements on other staves