
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic An up-to-date guide to musical notation Dima S. 11 1 week ago
Forum topic Issues when saving scores to cloud dj-ICY 5 2 weeks ago
Forum topic Creating a PDF file for Children's POD Songbook Adinol 5 2 weeks ago
Forum topic Opening more than one score launches several instances of the app Michele Galvagno 36 3 weeks ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 not playing certain notes on playback (especially piano playback)? shutstopmirror 39 3 weeks ago
Forum topic My file is corrupt and I can't fix it Shpunga 111 1 month ago
Forum topic Parts elements not working separately from score Felipe Queiroga 2 1 month ago
Forum topic Editing Fret Diagram UkuleleJC 9 1 month ago
Forum topic Music not saving. ejcamfam 2 1 month ago
Forum topic How to do string brushes? still366 9 1 month ago
Forum topic Is there a way to change note duration later? 3djake 106 1 month ago
Forum topic .mscz_saving nickfluenteng 3 1 month ago
Forum topic How to customize conductors score and not affect parts THE TINKER. 6 1 month ago
Forum topic End of Life plan for 3.x ? reggieScore 503 1 month ago
Forum topic How to export black as K-black instead of CMYK-black in PDFs? hvezdytri 17 2 months ago
Forum topic PDF Not Working Marissaboo7 4 2 months ago
Forum topic Hidden pauses Parfen 4 2 months ago
Forum topic how to open two scores at once lydiatjn 9 2 months ago
Forum topic corrupted file pcsings 6 2 months ago
Forum topic Score Invalid! MusicByKsyusha 44 2 months ago
Forum topic Musescore 4 Multiple Tabs Aquedelta 221 2 months ago
Forum topic Making a Songbook Joe H 48 2 months ago
Forum topic Instrument parts missing notation Vegetation Bush 1 2 months ago
Forum topic Formatting and Settings for US 10x13 Inches? RogerRabbit95 5 3 months ago
Forum topic Score – Parts Synchronisation Bug #2 - current status TomStrand 12 3 months ago