MuseScore 3.0.1 Release
Today we are pleased to release MuseScore 3.0.1. This is the first in what we intend to be a regular series of updates to MuseScore 3, the ground-breaking version of the world’s most popular music notation software.
Download MuseScore 3.0.1 Release
This update fixes dozens of issues that were found in the original 3.0 release, and it adds few improvements as well. For a complete list of changes, see the release notes.
- Redesign of New Score Wizard makes it easier to search templates, provides better score previews, and significantly improves accessibility for blind users
- Reworked Mixer UI allows minimizing and making it dockable
- Better automatic placement of hairpins and dynamics
- Better import of 2.X scores
- Properties were not saved properly in a number of cases
- Layout was broken after operations with measure rests and tuplets
- Time signatures appeared incorrectly in some cases and might lead to crash
- Using the implode tool on notes connected with slurs led to crashes
- Editing a barline was applied incorrectly
- Context menu on instrument names didn't appear
- Pages with landscape orientation were cropped when printing
- Playback went crazy on saving
- Tempo was applied incorrectly in certain cases involving fermatas
- Slurs were lost or detached in some cases
- Autoplacement couldn't be switched off for stems and arpeggio
Important notes
- If you have already installed MuseScore 3, you should be automatically offered the opportunity to update the next time you start MuseScore. You can also update at any time by going to Help > Check for Update
- Unsupported builds for 32-bit Windows will be available soon
- Microsoft Store version will be available soon
Read more about new features available in MuseScore 3.
Maybe some small info for translators about deadline... It will be nice, Anatoly.
In reply to Maybe some small info for… by Gootector
That had been discussed (deadline was yesterday 12:00GMT), but I don't think it made into the forum (Edit: I was wrong on this, see below)
In reply to That had been discussed … by Jojo-Schmitz
Yesterday? AM or PM? But Triansifex's strings have been modified today and PR (…) with translations was... today… So… Who is ***? 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe some 'plan of releases'?
In reply to Yesterday? AM or PM? But… by Gootector
Yesterday noon was the set deadline for translators, but the final release got delayed for some last minute fixed to be checked, so there was some 16h additional time. No need to start swearing, rather to enjoy the extra time
In reply to Yesterday? AM or PM? But… by Gootector
I believe Riaan posted the announcement in translators forum. Main message is we are going to ship releases each 2-3 weeks. So, translators do have about one week before release and one week after to complete translations.
I believe there won't be huge strings changes between the releases.
In reply to I believe Riaan posted the… by Anatoly-os
Indeed he did, see, so where the heck have you been, @Gootector ;-)
(There have been quite a few strings changed between 3.0 and 3.0.1, mostly for beauty and consistency)
In reply to I believe Riaan posted the… by Anatoly-os
2-3 weeks sounds good. On Tuesday, of course 😊
In reply to Maybe some small info for… by Gootector
Good avatar, btw! :)
In reply to Good avatar, btw! :) by Anatoly-os
The new MuseScore logo 😊 Nice blue color with shadow.
In reply to Good avatar, btw! :) by Anatoly-os
When this ban? You know... I don't like you. I'm here 8 years? Yes. I translated all MuseScore version, from 1.0 to 3.0.1, website, tutorials, and many other things. I gave MuseScore Gonville font. All for free, for polish and world community. Now, a few... troll-haters, who can type anything about me... The have more rights than me. Where logic is? Where logic is in your comment on polish forum? I am sad about your attitude. Very sad. Where were the two gays, when I need help with teanslation? You thought about that?
In reply to Maybe some small info for… by Gootector
I think this is a valid complaint. For the next release, the announcement should also be cross posted in the Transifex announcement area at This announcement is pushed to all the translators involved by Transifex to their mailboxes. So this is the main communication channel. Thank you Gootector for bringing this to our attention.
In reply to I think this is a valid… by Thomas
Great job, Anatoly. You deleted all my comments on polish forum, all my helps, etc.! Please delete all my content also! Translations, all!
In reply to Great job, Anatoly. You… by Gootector
Really great job! Great gift for polish community - delete all helps. On polish forum are users' questions only. Thank you!
In reply to Really great job! by Gootector
@Gootector regarding "Great job, Anatoly. You deleted all my comments on polish forum, all my helps, etc.! Please delete all my content also! Translations, all!", the comments are preserved and all hidden because you are not a reviewer anymore, unfortunately. All your work that has been done for MuseScore is really appreciated and every Polish user is glad to see MuseScore translated to his/her native language. - it is: 'how community thank you for your help'.
Please delete all my content!
In reply to @Gootector regarding "Great… by Gootector
@Gootector Please just take a deep breath, calm down and don't post anything until tomorrow. You are not thinking straight at the moment.
In reply to @Gootector Please just take… by Louis Cloete
You are not thinking straight at the moment. You know it best than me 🤔 Delete! Now!
In reply to Great job, Anatoly. You… by Gootector
I see all your comments, topics and replies in the Polish forum. Hope to see you soon in good mood under the same "nice blue with shadow" flag!
In reply to I see all your comments,… by Anatoly-os
I don't see nothing. Only a few new comments. I am here 8 years! Are you serious? No comment... Without greetings.
In reply to I don't see nothing. Only a… by Gootector
I was reviewer of polish translation on Transifex. Why am I not?
In reply to I was reviewer of polish… by Gootector
"Nice blue with shadow" has been changed ( I am not your slave.
Gootector, if I was there I would give you a big hug!
Is my computer being crappy, or am I the only one experiencing a lot more lag time on this version than others?
music sheets made in Musescore 2 are not 100% right displayed in Musescore 3 even when you choose the 'no' button conc. displaying elements when opening a file
In reply to music sheets made in… by Edwig Roekens
Indeed, esp. the more manual re-positioning has been done in 2.x.
The same happened for 1.x score in 2.0.
In reply to music sheets made in… by Edwig Roekens
For most scores, you're probably better off taking the advice to reset - since the defaults have changed for many elements, manual adjustments applied in 2.x often won't make sense anymore. You kind of have to check for each score which works better but just expect that scores that had a lot of manual adjustments might take some work to correct.
In reply to For most scores, you're… by Marc Sabatella
Well, "some work"? A lot of work in my case. Jeeez, all my score are a complete mess despite I selected the option not to change anything in that window which pops up when starting musescore3.
In the end I re-installed my old 2 version and locked it in Synaptic to prevent further updates are installed.
I will install the 3 version on my other computer to gather some experience before I will switch to version 3 on my main computer.
In reply to Well, "some work"? A lot of… by JoeAlders
Elsewhere you mentioned fingerings specifically.and that is indeed a known issue. For everything else, you are generally better off taking the reset option so you can take advantage of automatic placement. Most of the manual adjustments that were used to workaround the collisions that otherwise existed in MuseScore 2 are no longer needed and indeed now counterproductive. The the defaults have changed so the collisions don't exist, so those same manual adjustments actually take a good default layout and make it bad rather than taking a bad one and making it good. That said, sometimes it pays to try it both ways and then maybe just use Ctrl+R to reset specific things.
Anyhow, as with any other major update like this (including going from MuseScore 1 to 2) it's often best to keep both and just.use the new version for new first - there is no particular reason you should want or need to update older scores that you have already performed lots of manual adjustments on.
I updated to the MuseScore 3.0 beta version and noticed that MuseScore 3.1 has just been released. According the website, MuseScore 3.0 should update automatically when I open it. This has not happened. Do I need to download the 3.1 version myself?
In reply to I updated to the MuseScore 3… by Buffalo sculpin
You need to download 3.0.1 from the download page. The beta did not automatically update to the release version.
In reply to I updated to the MuseScore 3… by Buffalo sculpin
The Beta does update from one to the other and up to RC automatically. The RC however does not update automatically to the final release, so you need to do that update yourself
And we're not (yet) at 3.1, but at 3.0.1 ...
Windows portable version, please! Don't understand why postpone the 64 bit portable version? It should not be dependent on a 32 bit version.
In reply to Windows portable version,… by panomax
PortableApp for Windows and 64bit contradict one another, as the 32bit version will run on 32bit and 64bit Windows, but a 64bit version won't run on both so won't really be portable
In reply to PortableApp for Windows and… by Jojo-Schmitz
There seem to be some misunderstanding here. Most people these days run on 64bit. By portable, they don't care about moving between a 32bit PC and a 64bit one. Rather, they need to run on multiple 64bit PCs.
So please just produce a 64bit portable version. If later when 32bit is ready, produce a 32bit portable version. And let the user to choose which version to use.
Otherwise, you are forcing people to use 32bit version when they choose portable. This is not most people want in today's situation.
In reply to There seem to be some… by panomax
Then read…
In reply to Then read https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for the info. Their policy is biased. Why can't like in the non-portable case, just create a 32bit portable version, and a 64bit portable version, and let the user to choose?
Since we don't have 32bit version now, why can't we just create a 64bit only version?
If by the time 128bit becomes the main trend, do we still force people to run 32bit portable, just to comply with their biased policy?
The problem is: we don't have a portable version now. Could you please create a 64bit one? Let's deal with the 32bit version later when it is ready. Thanks.
In reply to Thanks for the info. Their… by panomax
The PortableApp so far had been done by a community member. That member can't do it any longer, having only a Windows XP machine for that, which MuseScore won't run on. Also that person claimed that a 32bit version is needed.
So if we need and want a PortableApp we first need to find someone to do it...
You could be that person, as far as I can tell.
In reply to The PortableApp so far had… by Jojo-Schmitz
As a cross platform application, we may make the application itself friendly to portable usage. A good example would be Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Its strategy is simple. Just extract the zipped file to a directory. Then add a "data" sub-folder under it. Then the application will write all its info into the data folder without touch any Windows specific registry or other system settings. It is then portable.
Similarly, the Atom editor just require a sub-folder ".atom" exists besides the application folder to make it portable.
I've tried Enigma Virtual Box. But it cannot handle our case. I will check PortableApps later.
Export XML is missing Title, Composer, Subtitle, Lyricist... and mess-up all format
Just my thoughts regarding the release:
There are a number of issues already prevalent that were not present in musescore 2, but I am assuming bugs will be ironed out. I preferred the previous UI and a lot of functions are different and a bit less user-friendly. Dragging things, for example, is a bit disconcerting when the symbol for what you are dragging is not at the same position as the cursor, so when you drag to a note it's a bit distracting to have the symbol not be the actual cursor. Also dragging key signatures, among other things, is more annoying as you need to drag to the actual lines of the staff, whereas before you could drag anywhere within the bar. To be honest, it seems like they redid the entire thing from scratch, considering a number of things seem improved internally, but on the aesthetic side it isn't as good. Just my thoughts though, I will be looking forward to the upcoming releases that will hopefully fix things.
In reply to Just my thoughts regarding… by Chronical V
Thank you for the feedback. We redid a lot of things almost from scratch, it is true. That is why we prepared this release for nearly four years.
The issues related to dragging different stuff are indeed in the list of significant problems to fix in the upcoming releases as well as different UX improvements. Stay tuned!
In reply to Just my thoughts regarding… by Chronical V
"Dragging things, for example, is a bit disconcerting when the symbol for what you are dragging is not at the same position as the cursor, so when you drag to a note it's a bit distracting to have the symbol not be the actual cursor. "
Yes, you are right. This is really annoying and I hope that this is one of the first items that will be modified to restore it as in version 2. But for the moment I use as "workaround" to click on the note and then double click the symbol in the palette. Then it is on exactly the desired place.
In reply to "Dragging things, for… by JoeAlders
Fwiw this is not meant as a workaround; it's the much more efficient method anyhow.
In reply to Fwiw this is not meant as a… by Marc Sabatella
For things with keyboard shortcuts, you should ideally use those too for more efficiency.
I have installed on OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 06a66a2, on Device: Asus ZenBook UX430UA-GV535T (14" screen).
However I can not minimize the mixer enough to see the bottom of it.
Please Advise
In reply to I have installed on OS:… by [DELETED] 1601771
Hi! Do you use screen scaling (like 150%)?
In reply to Hi! Do you use screen… by Anatoly-os
yes 150%, with 100% I can not read the texts properly
In reply to yes 150%, with 100% I can… by [DELETED] 1601771
I just installed 3.0.2, however no change for the mixer...
In reply to I just installed 3.0.2,… by [DELETED] 1601771
Indeed, see #279228: Mixer: size issues and #281742: Mixer panel not always dockable/floatable, depending sometimes full screen enabled or not.
Any chance of supporting VSTi plugins in future updates?
Is it possible to open scores I made using musescore 2 with musescore 3?
In reply to Is it possible to open… by Tarnegolden
MuseScore 3 know how to do that, just select the file.
Will you ever add the ability to place (or convert the standard notation into) shaped notes. I would absolutely LOVE to use Musescore for writing Vocal pieces but because of the way this program works and has worked in the past, I still have to own or have access to Finale to actually do the needed work for the piece of music. I would prefer Musescore but it's quite annoying to not have that as a simple option. You would think a fantastic program like this would have adopted that at some point in time.
In reply to Will you ever add the… by XeroRez
Shape notes are built into MuseScore 3, in the advanced staff properties, see
Before that (i.e. for MuseScore 1 and 2), there were plugins for this, So this is possible since some 8 years (via that plugin) or 4 months (the release of MuseScore 3.0)
Dear Musescore, please add the option to add a video to Musescore( not only url). And thus sinc the inserted video’s timeline with the notes you have written in musescore. And to export as mp4.Thanks, you have the best software by far.