Corruption in local time signature
"When trying to create a score with a local time signature of 6/8 (after the main part in 4/4 timing), if I try to fill each measure with two dotted quarter notes I get a series of small erroneous rests at the end of the measure."
To reproduce this issue:
1. Create a new score in 4/4, or use the default "Untitled" score.
2. Apply a local time signature of 6/8 (hold down Ctrl while dragging or double-clicking).
3. Try to fill a measure with two dotted quarter notes.
This kind of issue has come up before. See #276363: Corruption on duration change of note in measure with local time signature, for instance.
Fixed in branch master, commit f1e2d51970
_fix #297454: Corruption in local time signature
Fixed in branch master, commit bb78c390fa
_Merge pull request #5487 from mattmcclinch/297454-local-time-signature
fix #297454: Corruption in local time signature_
Fixed in branch 3.4beta, commit b6e238d4c0
_Merge pull request #5487 from mattmcclinch/297454-local-time-signature
fix #297454: Corruption in local time signature_
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.