Time Signature dialogs use Emmentaler and MuseScore 1 background color instead of Bravura and MuseScore 2 background color
This applies to both Time Signature Properties and the Time Signatures section of the Master Palette. https://musescore.org/sites/musescore.org/files/Time_signature-Edit_Bea… (from the Handbook) shows the current appearance.
I was just reminded of this while editing https://musescore.org/en/handbook/time-signatures. Is this complicated to fix?
Fixed in branch master, commit 658aaf3b68
fix #78421: Time Signature dialogs use Emmentaler and MuseScore 1 background color instead of Bravura and MuseScore 2 background color
Fixed in branch 2.0.3, commit dd174b5a4c
fix #78421: Time Signature dialogs use Emmentaler and MuseScore 1 background color instead of Bravura and MuseScore 2 background color
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.