Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
make it possible to disable MIDI playthrough (aka MIDI thru or MIDI echo) active 36 4个月
No more IMAGE CAPTURE? GitHub issue 4.0 77 4个月
Velocity change in Musescore 4 by design 4.0 7 4个月
Instrument names appear in horizontal frames active 4.0 6 4个月
Acciaccatura after note active P2 - Medium 17 4个月
"Let Ring" does not work at all with the Muse Sounds - and does not sustain more than approx 1 second with the MS basic sounds GitHub issue 4.0 5 4个月
"Add Score" in the Album Manager should allow to load all files supported by MuseScore won't fix 19 4个月
Use of MIDI keyboard in Ubuntu closed 4.0 11 4个月
Permissions error in saving closed 4.0 13 4个月
Caesura playback broken GitHub issue 4.0 9 4个月
Glissandos disappear needs info 3.6 8 5个月
Icon not added by "AppImage Launcher" active 3.6 15 5个月
Add Tubular Bells to the Instruments list by design 3.0 42 5个月
Feature request: allow for parentheses or brackets to be added to any element [Articulations Example] GitHub issue 4.x-dev 12 5个月
Piano keyboard does not show notes in play mode duplicate 4.0 15 5个月
Lyric hyphen and melisma insertion not working on Estonian keyboard on Musescore 4.0.0 rev 5485621 GitHub issue 4.0 12 5个月
Caesura Playback Issue (in Muse4) GitHub issue 4.x-dev 24 5个月
Muse String portamento active 4.0 1 5个月
Switching channels for a drumset instrument loses the sound bank (128) definition. active 3.5 5 5个月
Re-implement the Album feature for Musecore 3/4 GitHub issue P1 - High 3.0 25 5个月
Disabling "Pan score" button breaks direct navigation by the Find command and the Timeline GitHub issue 3.6 5 5个月
Capo settings applied via staff text do not affect chord symbol playback closed 3.5 25 5个月
Note still played after having been deleted. closed 3.2 11 5个月
Play Panel features missing in MuseScore 4.0 (tempo override control missing) closed 4.x-dev 19 5个月
Additional note (that is not written) playing in viola section active 4.0 2 5个月