Drag items from score to custom palette

• Oct 30, 2015 - 01:45

I have created a new workspace
I have created a new palette in the new workspace
Editing is enabled
I can add items from the master palette to it and from other palettes to it.
But I cannot add any items from the current score
I have tried simple drag....they drag up and down the score but not to palette.
I have also tried Ctrl + Shift and drag and I cannot get it to work from the score.


What items can be added from score to a palette??
Can it only be single items eg, notes, gracenotes text items or symbols.or can groups be added.??

I have read through all the handbook help I can find...cannot get it to work.


I'm guessing you're on a Mac—this feature is broken on Mac OS X in the current version of MuseScore (2.0.2). It's fixed for the next release, though, so you could try installing a nightly build, using it to create your custom palette, and then exporting it and loading it in stable 2.0.2.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Thanks for reply..........No I am using Windows XP.......Downloaded "Musescore 2.0.2 ... Windows XP" from the green box on your home page a few weeks ago. Had been using 1.3 before that. I understand everybody blames XP.

Are there nightly builds also for XP........How do I get them......I have browsed the link about nightly builds and can see a long list of fixes......but how do I get them. Do I keep just downloading the latest complete 2.0.2 XP.....and are they included each night build.???.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ok, thanks......I went to your nightly versions link and clicked on the windows icon say for Win 10, Win8 and Win7 didnt see any specifically for Win XP. But downloaded the top nightly download, unzipped and run nightly.exe....still the same.......nothing seems to drag from score..???
Question.....what am I supposed to be able to drag from a score to a custom palette..??..... Can any item be dragged.....or must items be setup suitable for custom palettes...????

I have now download Musescore 2.0.2 to another laptop..a windows 10 laptop....and it is same cannot drag from score to new custom palette

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes...following instructions as copied below here.....
Creating and saving custom palette symbols #

Provided you have created a new workspace, elements such as lines, text, or fretboard diagrams can be customized to your liking on the score and then saved back to any palette. Press and hold Ctrl+Shift and drag the symbol from the score into the desired palette.
Question......Is it only lines and text that can be dragged to custom palettes...????

How is the items in all the other palettes created...?????

Embellishements are groups of gracenotes....how are they dragged.

The existing embellishment symbols are very long duration, I was hoping I could use the first very short one in the gracenote palette to create groups of quicker playing ones and save them in a custom palette..???

Can these things be done....??

Could you perhaps make a visual recording of what you are trying to do? An easy and simple tool for this is Licecap and can be downloaded from: http://www.cockos.com/licecap/

Once you created the recording (a gif file), you can attach it to a comment on this topic. Try to stay under 1minute and reduce the recorded area to the minimum, otherwise the gif file will be to large.

In reply to by Thomas

Thanks for reply.....But all I want at this stage is my quastions answered.....
Question......Is it only lines and text that can be dragged to custom palettes...????

How is the items in all the other palettes created...?????

Embellishements are groups of gracenotes....how are they dragged from a score.

The existing embellishment symbols are very long duration, I was hoping I could use the first very short one in the gracenote palette to create groups of quicker playing ones and save them in a custom palette..???

Can these things be done....??

I have been trying to drag items from a score and I cannot get it to work from a score, it will work from other palettes to new custom palette...........

I and only trying to find out what musescore can do........in the handbook it says I can drag from a score.......It is only simple lines or text that can be dragged..??....can notes or gracenotes or groups of notes be dragged to custom palette and kept for future use in other scores. Example embellishments are groups of gracenotes, some already setup in the advanced workspace. How do I create a new on that is different.....not just a copy of one that already exists in the master palette.
Example....If I insert an embellishment ...say a group of G,E,D gracenotes that exists in the palette....insert this on to a score beside main note, but I want to move the individual gracenotes to say F,D,A.....this creates an new embellishment on the score, and if I want to keep this for future use.....can I drag it to a custom palette for inserting in a new score some time later and will not have to edit the gracenotes....it will insert as F,D,A group of gracenotes.....Can this type of thing be done.

In reply to by muselt

No it is not just lines and text that can be dragged. But I don't believe notes can, so you won't be able to create new grace notes or bagpipe embellishments this way.

The elements in the default palettes are created by actually programming them into MuseScore. If you create a custom workspace, you can try editing the workspace file by hand to make further customizations that cannot be achieved through drag and drop.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have looked I think everywhere where windows normally puts program, ini, dlls etc...I cannot find any files named like workspace, palette etc. If I save a palette it saves as a .mpal file and I can put it where I want. It seem to be a binary file....how can I edit it...????

I can edit the palettes within musescore...eg drag from one palette to another or edit the scale or X or Y position within the frame. But take a gracenote say gracenote E in the stave top space and I edit its Y position to +3 it moves to bottom space but when I double click it to insert into a score it still goes into the score in the top space.

Can you please tell me the name of the file containing the palette and workspace information and if it can be edited by an editor.....?????

In reply to by muselt

Well, a workspace file will exist only if you've created a worksapce - have you done that? If so, be looking for one with the name of that workspace and the extension ".workspace". It would be located in a folder MuseScore2/workspaces, but as for where to look for that, again, it is OS-specific, and I dn't know enough about XP to guess where other than it is probbably somewhere under Documents and Settings. The file itself is a ZIP archive containing an XML file that can be edited in any text editor.

As for a palette, the ".mpal" file should also be a ZIP archive containing an XML file.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, found them .workspace under Document and Settinfs Local settings etc.... and can read and change and archive them again, but not sure it helps except I have a better understanding of the data content and how to change structure for new palette. It seems I am just shuffling the same data around..???. Basically I was wanting to create groups of gracenote similar to the Bagpipes Embellishments but using the "Acciaccatura" gracenote for each gracenote in the group so it would play faster and shorter than the long Bagpipe embellishment or bagpipe gracenote. Is there anywhere I can read up on this rather than asking individual questions?

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