Creating a piano version of a score

• Feb 17, 2016 - 22:43

Hello all,

I wonder if it is possible to create a cut down version of a score where the voice parts are in full but the instrumental accompaniment (in this case 6 winds) is cut down to piano?
This is so there are less pages, and less quick turns for the singers.

Any help much appreciated!



Sure, it's possible - but if you mean, can MuseScore do this automatically, the answer is no - that's really something that takes a certain amount of musical expertise to do well and can't really be automated. If you have the musical expertise, though, you can certainly add a piano to your score, add the notes as you see fit, then remove the wind parts. Or hire someone to do it for you,

As well as implode, have a look at voices. Simply copy the three higher wind instruments into voices 1, 2 and 3 of the piano right hand staff, and the three lower wind instruments into voices 1, 2 and 3 of the left hand staff, potentially shifting notes up or down an octave as necessary to make it fit sensibly. The result will look and sound like a piano reduction, at least as far as the singers are concerned. (You'd probably have to do quite a bit of manual tidying up to make it playable by an actual pianist.)

In reply to by shoogle

Hi Shoogle, thanks for your response.

I have had a bit of play with voices and implode.
As its quite a complicated score I need to probably use a mix of both functions.

However I'm getting a bit stuck first up with adding piano to my score, then deleting the unnecessary winds.

Can you please assist?


In reply to by shoogle

Hi Barney,

You can add or remove instruments in MuseScore via Edit -> Instruments.

If the rhythms are a near-perfect match between wind instruments then use Implode to combine them.

If the rhythms are different then use voices and proceed as follows: (notice that we start with the last instrument first so that you never end up pasting on top of notes in voice 1.)

  1. Copy all measures for 3rd wind instrument.
  2. Paste into piano right hand staff (notes will be in voice 1).
  3. Select all measures in piano staff
  4. Edit -> Voices -> Exchange Voices 1 and 3.

Now repeat for 2nd wind instrument, but in step (4) exchange Voices 1 and 2.
Now repeat for 1st wind instrument, no need to exchange voices.

Now do all of that again for the three wind instruments going into the piano left hand.

Dear Shoogle, thank you very much for your help.
I now have something ready for first rehearsal for the choir on friday!
Like you say not very pretty for the piano part, but thats not important.
Thanks heaps

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