Way to notate a pull off on guitar??

• Feb 7, 2014 - 22:20

I want to do a pull off , but the chord is plucked & meant to ring out during the pull off, so the pull off note would be shorter than the chord notes ..??? I started with the pull off & tried to stack chord notes under it but the whole thing just moved over.


In reply to by xavierjazz

It isn't letting me put voice 2 under teh notes I need. It's putting the curser on the first chord first chord, or over to the next measure (last note is a dotted half note which goes into next measure.) It's a G chord for half, then a sixteenth pulls off into a dotted half note.

In reply to by cssc

That sounds as if you have the duration set too high.

If you want to add an 1/8th note, the duration (1/8) must be selected AFTER are in write mode and AFTER you select the voice as the cursor will move the distance (in time/duration) that it is set to.

Is that clear?

In reply to by cssc

That sounds as if you have the duration set too high.

If you want to add an 1/8th note, the duration (1/8) must be selected AFTER are in write mode and AFTER you select the voice as the cursor will move the distance (in time/duration) that it is set to.

Is that clear?

In reply to by cssc

Have you watched the tutorial videos on the main page of this site? I highly recommend them for coming up to speed on the basics of note entry and other matters.

As I've said before, it's very difficult to diagnose problems from just a picture. But on the surface, I don't see a problem. It looks like you have a dotted half note, eighth note, and eighth rest in voice one, and a bunch of rests in voice 2. Both voices appear to have the correct number of beats. As far as I can tell from the picture, if you enter Note Entry mode now, you could enter notes on top of these rests normally, just as documented in the Handbook and demonstrated in the videos. If you are finding this not to be the case, please post the *actual score* along with a precise step-by-step description of what you are doing (eg, "click the half rest in measure 14, press N, press G...").

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Those rests appeared as I was pressing '0 0 0 0 0" trying to get over the next note, because that note is only played as a sixteenth, then pulled off. C to B. I was in the second voice, as you can see by the green rest.
There is nothing abut that in the tutorial on note entry. Row your Boat isn't that complicated. Yes, I had already watched it.

In reply to by cssc

Yes, indeed, rests are supposed to appear when you press 0. That's what 0 does - it creates a rest. The length of the rest created, as others have been saying, is controlled by the note value selected on the toolbar. So you apparently had the sixteenth note icon selected when you pressed 0. If you want a different length rest, select a different note value in the toolbar before pressing 0. Think of 0 as working exactly like the letter keys. Select duration, then press the letter of the note you want - and "0" is rest. I can't tell from your description of what you are doing how long of a rest you wanted, but if you wanted a half rest, then you should select the half note icon before pressing 0.

My best guess is that you wanted to enter something on beat four. That means you need three beats of rest. So first enter a half rest ("6 0") then a quarter rest ("5 0"). Then you can right click the rests and make them invisible if you like.

In reply to by cssc

You can't just enter notes anywhere you want - notes and rests in any voice have to be entered left to right. So you *do* need to enter the rests, but you can then hide them if you don't want to see them, as I described above. You can actually delete the rests if you really want, but this leaves the voice "incomplete" and it is difficult to then edit it later.

BTW, the norm is to use voice 1 for the notes you want on top, voice two for the notes you want on the bottom. It sounds from the above like you want to enter notes in voice 2 above the notes already entered in voice 1. That's OK, but you'll find the stems will be going in the wrong directions. You can then use Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-2 to swap them so the voice 1 is on top, or you can flip the stems manually by selecting notes and pressing "X".

In reply to by cssc

OK. So I deleted everything in that measure, pressed '1' voice button, added my G chord, added my 2 top notes, then pressed '2'. You can't see it in the picture, but I had the cursor right under that high A, but as you can see by the green song samp.JPG , it is selecting the note in the next measure, or the G chord. As I said, it's driving me crazy.

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song samp.JPG 113.42 KB

In reply to by cssc

As I've said several times before, please post the *actual score*, not just a picture of it. It's much easier to help that way. It would also help if you described in more detail how you want it to look.
I'm guessing maybe you want a quarter note with stem down on beat four of the first circled measure? If so, then it should be a simple matter of moving the cursor back to the beginning of that measure, entering three beats of rests as I've described, then entering the note you want on beat 4, and then hiding the rests if you wish. As I've explained, you have to enter notes or rests left to right - starting at the beginning of the measure. You can't just put the cursor on beat 4 and hope to enter a note there. You have to enter the leading rests starting on beat one. That's what I mean by "left to right".

If there is something unusual going on in your score that prevents this from working, then again, it's going to be impossible to diagnose from just a picture. If your car is having problems, you don't bring a picture of it to your mechanic, do you?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My brain didn't register what you were saying about the rests. I had to do this in 3 voices to get the chord, though.
So there is that one half rest right under that note that won't let me right click on it! I tried making the note invisible & then right clicking on the rest but it only gave me the option to make the note visible again. Aargh. song samp.JPG

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song samp.JPG 18.49 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

At the risk of offending, I am not giving my scores away. My picture is very clear. And I dont' need a lecture on sharing. I really really don't. Suffice to say I've got a lot of bad things going on in my life that I am also not going to share. I don't need negativity.

In reply to by cssc

No one ever said anything about "sharing". I protect my music too. But the way copyright law works, your music is already fully protected the moment you either set it to paper (or electronic form, or record it). So there is no real danger. And you have to realize people are not hanging out on support forums looking for music to steal anyhow. So you really aren't "sharing" by posting - no one is likely to see it but the people who need to see it. And if someone did see and tried to steal it, you can sue them. But if you are still concerned, simply delete everything but the problem area.

The point is, a picture can make *some* things clear, but whatever problem you are having that made you need three voices - we cannot help with the score. It's that simple. Some problems cannot be solved by pictures. And others take much, much longer - thus wasting your time and ours.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

True, zooming in would help with that. But I can't tell for sure from the picture what is in which voice, which might help explain why it was thought necessary to use three voices. I can see evidence of a third voice in the second measure of the passage, but not any reason why this would have to have been the case. Most likely, it *isn't* necessary. But who knows, one of those measures might be corrupt by now. Or a note may be in a different voice than we think it is.

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