Developers' handbook

Updated 9 Monaten ago

Use the TOC above. Don't mind the broken Outline on the right (if you see one), is old and admin is too busy so it is not maintained anymore.

Feel free to adjust any content or add child pages. For more information about how to add pages etc., see the Administrative guidelines.

Developers of main app use the wiki on now. The main section below still contains useful info.
Developers of plugins use the plugin section below
Developers of MuseScore 3.x compatible soundfont use the soundfont section below

Stay Close


Getting started


Compile instructions (All Platforms)

IDE Configuration

Finding your way around

Packaging for different Operating Systems

UX Design

Plugin development

Soundfont, MIDI velocity and instruments.xml

Useful topics (maybe outdated)

MuseScore 4


Release notes