
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Add ability to have a different MIDI pitch for drum instrument based on articulation or tremolo [DELETED] 5 21 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Tastaturkürzel für MuseScore2 Pentatonus 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Your score is being processed. It will automatically be displayed when finished. Roscob111 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Transposing Engela Fullard 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Playback doesn't work with virtual drumline installed MajesticPoptart 7 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Omit key signature change indicators at end of line? crispin 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Everything is super zoomed-in in MuseScore 2.3 AND the latest MuseScore 3. not an issue in any other application. loganromberger 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Multiple bar rests judeeylander 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Chord Identifier in MuseScore 3.0l immlermadl@t-o… 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Songbook can not open MuseScore 3 files. cplager 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Can't Manually Change Long + Short Instrument Names (MuseScore 3) Alison Hanna 3 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Tremolo Positioning Error for Up-stemmed Notes graphemecluster 5 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Musical score layout on new musescore 3 vangelis petsalis 16 vor 5 Jahren
Issue input of certain symbols simultaneous with note input mathiasho 30 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Tremolo playback Anatoly-os 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Copy and paste tuplets Emma Claéson C… 4 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Mixer Needs a Search Function Kirara Wright 4 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Abbreviated instrument names collide in translations Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic lyric text in 3.0 Hubato 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue Chord Symbol incorrect spelling in case of full german chord spelling style Dávid Simon 3 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic MuseScore 3.0 fails to show Mixer panel (F10) Martin van der… 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Crash on adding slurs Anatoly-os 2 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Pedal style is not saved Anatoly-os 1 vor 5 Jahren
Issue [Feedback form] Changing instruments via right click Anatoly-os 2 vor 5 Jahren
Forum topic Popup text in palets not all in selected language for MuseScore 3.0 Henk De Groot 2 vor 5 Jahren