
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue TAB clashing with wallpapers iursnitram 2 vor 9 Jahren
Issue advanced and basic workspace don't work anymore Jojo-Schmitz 5 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Partname doesn't get shown on the part if it consists of more than one instrument Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Top margin value creates excessive system gap robert.holmen.7 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Measure missing and stems disappeared yoelepst 2 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Syntetized voices Vincore 1 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Note Properties - velocity display jonga 7 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Unable to "Hide" tlhogard 6 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic How to change staff without the mouse? iursnitram 8 vor 9 Jahren
Issue MIDI import panel is not displayed when opening a MIDI file [DELETED] 5 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Stave Distance rwmol 9 vor 9 Jahren
Issue separate scores joined in an album by a section break Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Select all of a note? snuffysam 1 vor 9 Jahren
Issue default styles for "Instrument Name (Part)" and "Lyricist" collide Jojo-Schmitz 3 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Crash when adding tempo text to a beat with no elements for some staff with linked part kasonfaulkner 12 vor 9 Jahren
Issue blue rectangle in navigator has wrong size initially Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Break Every X Bars plugin behavior changed? jazz_trpt 12 vor 9 Jahren
Issue Keep master palette at the top in the window stack Thomas 3 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic is github-musescore-musescore-d75fb33 the latest Nightly? onscuba 7 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic screenshot mode - save as ...? [DELETED] 448831 2 vor 9 Jahren
Issue glissando don't work with cross staff notation Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 9 Jahren
Issue issues with exporting parts and part names containing slashes and/or dots Jojo-Schmitz 6 vor 9 Jahren
Issue [MusicXML import] crash loading The Stolen Child - vocal score - RB - 2014-10-22.xml Leon Vinken 6 vor 9 Jahren
Forum topic Segno and repetition error PB61 6 vor 9 Jahren
Issue stems of bottom staff notes wrong with cross staff beaming Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 9 Jahren