
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue [trunk] [branch 1.2] Need to clean up use of exeptions (throw) jorgk3 5 vor 4 Jahren
Issue The "file version" metadata in the MuseScore3.exe (Windows) is empty, although displayed in "about" trebor-cymru 2 vor 4 Jahren
Issue No Sounds when toggle rhythmic slash notation kazuma yamamoto 10 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Suggestions for a large tablet... sstas 9 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Issue with dynamics when using lines and hairpins on separate staffs [DELETED] 93236 6 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Text will not go underneath volta TheOtherJThistle 45 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Chord Symbol incorrect after diatonic transpose jonel1947 5 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How to reduce from SATB to Unisono toni-s 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Stapelreihenfolge ralba1110 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Bracket Change LuuBluum 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Note Name Plugin in Musescore 3.4: results hard to read Sambaji 7 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Problem with Note Name Plugin sebsommier 8 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Instrument change in android app Cardo62 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Unable to see the OK/Next buttons when creating a new Score. Matrix793 7 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How to increase the note size for visual challenged people? CrisGennari 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Writing for multicord guitar gualtiero.chiapello 18 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Note einfügen Gianni_1947 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Copy / paste does not work with a staff that uses a different time signature. Mintsoda-15 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do I convert my musescore music to midi? I used to able to able to save it on the older format. Shedguy 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Exporting as .mxl hopefulstrider 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Piano keyboard in app? romabionicle 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Stimmenbezeichnung Nicina 6 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do you add a new Musical Symbols Font, and/or what files are used for the style fonts? sihplak 8 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Getting musescore 3 wftshaw 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How to flip notes in Wood blocks notation without having lyrics and chords flipped? Zsuzsa.Kata.Ho… 1 vor 4 Jahren