
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Help Converting sampanchung1234 4 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Unexpected plus signs and rests mrfdes 15 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Shrink score to fit on page? McCleffy 5 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Stuck in Update Processing hmscomp 12 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic iPad app cannot open file from Dropbox Caokhoa 9 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Android App Deleting my Battery PixelGeek 1 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Palette Names as Search Results in Palette Search Teemu Kielinen 8 vor 4 Jahren
Issue MuseScore icon missing in last Nightly Dev Build JLWaltener 4 vor 4 Jahren
Issue 3.3.4: "Don't play trill" silences note -- very bad new bug. [DELETED] 1831606 14 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Program freezes at launch when using multiple monitors mdanhier 6 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic MuseScore compile issue on macOS 10.11.6 / Xcode 8.2.1 / Qt 5.9.8 Riaan van Niekerk 7 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Musescore 3 missing topmenu Joep L. Blom 20 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic New version of Bravura 1.276 / Bravura Text 1.277 [DELETED] 32744082 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Record music with a microfone and convert to notes fredames1 11 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Muted brass instruments ignoring 'open' direction. Xenol2 3 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Muting Matsur 3 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Issue(seems to be fixed) Jimmy Minstrel 2 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Fraction Chords gospelmusic1234 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Subscription cancellation on due date emmulls 16 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic How do i put my title/credits in the beggining of my score? AndrewDavidKk 1 vor 4 Jahren
Forum topic Musecore Subscriptiin sylvesterollu1 1 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Missing barline with a horizontal frame followed by start repeat giorgiobar89 6 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Staff spacer down doesn't work at page bottom RrOoSsSsOo 19 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Text attached to mmrest preceded by another mmrest ending with custom barlines loses custom position on reload Andrew_McGee 16 vor 4 Jahren
Issue Accessibility: Line endings not spoken for overlapping chordrests shoogle 9 vor 4 Jahren