Every time I open a specific file Musescore crashes
I've been working on a file for a number of weeks, and a few days ago every time I would open it, it would crash. I updated Musescore to 4.4.4. to see if it will help, but that didn't work. Yesterday and today I spent 12 hours renotating everything. I even saved files along the way just in case. Finally I finished, but now it does that again, including all the files I saved except for the first one. I'm not sure what I did wrong, and I would very much appreciate it if someone could please explain it to me or fix the file.
Musescore does still open other projects of mine, it just really hates this one.
Attachment | Size |
Nadneda.mscz | 174.55 KB |
Confirmed, it crashes in 4.4.4 as well as in latest master. As does 4.3.2 and 4.2.1
My MuseScore 3.7 Evolution opens it without crashing, so maybe the attached Mu3 version of your score help to get along? It does open in 4.4.4 too
Best report this in GitHub, https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/new/choose
The crash has something to do with accidentals on ornaments (here a flat on a trill), setting an accidental role an a non-existing (?) accidental, whatever that means
Stack trace:
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Accidental::setRole(mu::engraving::AccidentalRole r) Line 80 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Ornament::manageAccidentalVisibilityRules(mu::engraving::Note * note) Line 353 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Ornament::computeNotesAboveAndBelow(mu::engraving::AccidentalState * accState) Line 317 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Chord::cmdUpdateNotes(mu::engraving::AccidentalState * as, unsigned __int64 staffIdx) Line 1714 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::ModifyDom::cmdUpdateNotes(const mu::engraving::Measure * measure, const mu::engraving::rendering::score::DomAccessor & dom) Line 124 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::MeasureLayout::layoutMeasure(mu::engraving::MeasureBase * currentMB, mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx) Line 885 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::MeasureLayout::getNextMeasure(mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx) Line 1060 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::SystemLayout::collectSystem(mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx) Line 272 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::PageLayout::collectPage(mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx) Line 224 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::ScorePageViewLayout::doLayout(mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx) Line 209 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::ScorePageViewLayout::layoutPageView(mu::engraving::Score * score, mu::engraving::rendering::score::LayoutContext & ctx, const mu::engraving::Fraction & stick, const mu::engraving::Fraction & etick) Line 193 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::ScoreLayout::layoutRange(mu::engraving::Score * score, const mu::engraving::Fraction & st, const mu::engraving::Fraction & et) Line 87 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::rendering::score::ScoreRenderer::layoutScore(mu::engraving::Score * score, const mu::engraving::Fraction & st, const mu::engraving::Fraction & et) Line 49 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Score::doLayoutRange(const mu::engraving::Fraction & st, const mu::engraving::Fraction & et) Line 5848 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Score::update(bool resetCmdState, bool layoutAllParts) Line 490 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::engraving::Score::update() Line 537 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::NotationProject::doLoad(const muse::io::path_t & path, const muse::io::path_t & stylePath, bool forceMode, const std::string & format) Line 201 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::NotationProject::load(const muse::io::path_t & path, const muse::io::path_t & stylePath, bool forceMode, const std::string & format_) Line 121 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ProjectActionsController::loadProject(const muse::io::path_t & filePath) Line 292 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ProjectActionsController::doOpenProject(const muse::io::path_t & filePath) Line 327 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ProjectActionsController::openProject(const muse::io::path_t & givenPath, const QString & displayNameOverride) Line 275 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ProjectActionsController::openProject(const mu::project::ProjectFile & file) Line 194 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ProjectActionsController::openProject(const muse::actions::ActionData & args) Line 180 C++
MuseScore4.exe!muse::actions::IActionsDispatcher::reg::__l2::::operator()(const std::string & __formal, const muse::actions::ActionData & data) Line 88 C++
[External Code]
MuseScore4.exe!muse::actions::ActionsDispatcher::dispatch(const std::string & actionCode, const muse::actions::ActionData & data) Line 69 C++
MuseScore4.exe!muse::actions::ActionsDispatcher::dispatch(const std::string & actionCode) Line 44 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ScoresPageModel::openOther() Line 46 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ScoresPageModel::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 113 C++
MuseScore4.exe!mu::project::ScoresPageModel::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 196 C++
[External Code]
MuseScore4.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 206 C++
[External Code]
In reply to Best report this in GitHub,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Culprit part of the score:
Just removing that
fixes the crash, it is the first of the two trills in the score, both in measure 66, OboeAnd changing its setting for "Visibility of accidentals" causes the crash again
In reply to Culprit part of the score: … by Jojo-Schmitz
Many many thanks! Wouldn't have known what to do without your help
In reply to Many many thanks! Wouldn't… by I am Myself
Please still report this on GitHub
In reply to Please still report this on… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't have an account (I never really got how to use GitHub).
In reply to I don't have an account (I… by I am Myself
Creating one if free and no rocket science ;-)
In reply to I don't have an account (I… by I am Myself
Now reported in https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/25853
In reply to Culprit part of the score: … by Jojo-Schmitz
Please check if this issue is related to https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/25003
In reply to Please check if this issue… by mercuree
Certainly a different cause there (a slur)