Continuous View: Inability to reach certain measures with Ctrl + F

• Oct 22, 2017 - 18:41
Reported version
S4 - Minor

GIT commit e9287fd / Windows 10

1) Load this file: 20 measures.mscz (with zoom value of 110 %)
2) Switch in Continuous View
3) Ctrl + F: Go to measure "20"

Result: unexpected: the measure 20 is not shown, and the score jumps to the right.

Attachment Size
jump.jpg 21.98 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I tested Cadiz's score on windows 10 in both 2.1 and 2.2 072c135 and could not reproduce the problem. I suspect it has something to do with where measure 20 (in this example) is located on or relative to the screen and I couldn't figure out how to make it happen. 115% on my screen probably gives a different number of measures on my screen that Cadiz's screen. Perhaps a screen shot of the score before you press ctrl-F would be helpful in reproducing the bug. BTW, add measure numbers to your screen shot so it will be obvious which measures are displayed.

One more note I'm not sure if Cadiz understood in the original post. Service Pack 3.0 is a windows update, not a MuseScore version. It seems likely that it affects versions before 3.0 so Cadiz's score should have the bug on either version.

As specified firstly in the report, the involved version here is 3.0 dev.
NB: with another screen and computer (desktop vs. laptop for the first investigation), I need to have 31 measures : the last measure, in Continuous View, must be close the right edge of the screen, more or less the space of a measure.
Need to try by adding or not one or more measures, depending of the screen characteristics (and zoom value)

(I had not seen/ read this mention in the thread, anyway, Service Pack 3.0 Windows is unrelated... and I know that is not the same thing that a version 3.0 dev!)

In reply to by cadiz1

I just wanted to assure there was no misunderstanding on your part due to translation since you used version 3.0 for the bug report and the original problem I saw was reported in version 2.1.

I've tried changing to various zoom levels, numbers of measures and positions of the last measure in relationship to the right edge of the screen and cannot reproduce this in either 2.1 or 2.2 so I guess it should be reported for version 3.0.

Edit: after further reading I now understand you had noticed this in version 3.0 before the similar problem was reported in the other thread. The timing of the other post and this bug report led me to wrongly believe you were reporting that bug. As I was getting ready to edit this post I saw that you did add a bug report for the 2.1 problem.