
OpenScore: Join the transcription effort!

7 years ago • 62 comments

Exactly one month ago we introduced OpenScore to the MuseScore community, and one week ago we announced it to the world at FOSDEM, Europe’s largest open source software conference. OpenScore is a new initiative to digitise public domain music, including the works of the great classical composers like Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.

Introducing OpenScore at FOSDEM 2017

YouTube video: OpenScore - Join the transcription effort

Getting involved

OpenScore is only possible with your help. We would be extremely grateful if as many people as possible could

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Introducing OpenScore

7 years ago • 86 comments

[inline:OpenScore banner.png]

It’s an exciting time for MuseScore at the moment, with massive changes underway both in the code and on the website, helping to ensure that musicians have the tools they need to create and share amazing content! However, there is one more thing that every budding composer needs: inspiration!

It is my great privilege to announce OpenScore, the successor project to Open Goldberg and Open Well Tempered Clavier. The goal with those projects was to liberate specific

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Join us at FOSDEM 2017

• 7 years ago

In 2010, Nicolas, Werner and I met each other for the very first time in Brussels. We had already worked together for a couple of years online, and while I individually met Nicolas and Werner before, it was our first real life encounter in the same place. That place was FOSDEM, the largest open source conference in Europe.

MuseScore user & developer meetup at FOSDEM 2010

For the upcoming edition of FOSDEM 2017, taking place during the first weekend of Feb (4-5), we are coming together

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MuseScore in 2016: The year in review

7 years ago • 4 comments


2016 was a wonderfully busy year for MuseScore. As we head into 2017 looking forward to new accomplishments and milestones, let’s take a moment to look back over the year gone by.

2.0.3 update

We spent the first part of the year preparing MuseScore version 2.0.3, the last update to MuseScore 2.0, which we released at the beginning of April 2016 with more than 200 changes. Read all about it at MuseScore 2.0.3 is released!

(There was

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User feedback: How do you work with MuseScore?

• 7 years ago

As part of the UX design efforts , I'd like to learn about the ways you work with MuseScore, no matter whether you're a newbie who has no prior experience writing scores and is just trying it out or a seasoned professional.

Would any of you be up for a 30 minute video chat, where we would discuss the situations in which you transcribe music?

MuseScore Survey

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MuseScore update available for MacOS

• 7 years ago

MuseScore update is now available for download and fixes one bug for MacOS Sierra.

This "emergency" release was triggered by an issue reported by several users about a "black screen" or "black page" on Mac OS 10.12 Sierra. You can see the whole discussion and process to fix this bug in the issue tracker.

The release for MacOS is exactly like MuseScore 2.0.3 but it contains 2 fixes:

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Wrapping up Google Summer of Code 2016

• 7 years ago

On August 30, it was the end of Google Summer of Code 2016. Google announced over a thousand successful projects and for MuseScore’s third participation, we are extremely happy with the results. We had four students working on several exciting projects for three months. Read further to learn about the results of their summer coding.

Semi-realtime MIDI note entry

MuseScore 2 lets you enter music with the mouse, the computer keyboard or a MIDI piano keyboard. With all of

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Developing MuseScore 3.0: Making things easier

8 years ago • 113 comments

Part 3 of 3

MuseScore 3.0, currently under development, is on track to be smarter, faster, and easier than any MuseScore you’ve seen before.

We’ve previously discussed the first two of those areas of improvement for the next major version of the world’s most popular, powerful, and easy-to-use free and open-source scorewriter. This May, we started by introducing you to the ongoing Smart Layout project, working towards making MuseScore 3 smart enough to automatically offset overlapping elements and

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Developing MuseScore 3.0: MuseScore gets faster

8 years ago • 27 comments

Part 2 of 3

MuseScore 3.0 is currently under development, getting ready to be smarter, faster, and easier than any previous version of the world’s most popular, powerful, and easy-to-use free and open-source scorewriter.

In last month's blog post, we outlined our development goals regarding the first of those three main areas of improvement, which we’re calling Smart Layout. Now, here’s an update on one of the other two main points: how much faster the next

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