
Preparing MuseScore 2.2

• 6 years ago

The next version of MuseScore will be MuseScore 2.2. It will come with many bug fixes and some new features and will be compatible both ways with the 2.X serie. The release note is a work in progress but you can have a glimpse here

To release MuseScore 2.2 as soon as possible, we need your help. How? Read along.

Translating MuseScore

For MuseScore 2.2, we changed some sentences and added a couple hundreds new strings. If you can read

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MuseScore developer gathering at FOSDEM 2018

• 6 years ago

Just like last year, we are having a developer meetup again in Brussels at FOSDEM. If you don't know about FOSDEM yet, it's the largest European open source developer conference taking place in the weekend of Feb 3rd and 4th. MuseScore will have a stand there, among many other large and small open source projects. It's the perfect event to learn more about the world of free and open source software, and get to meet the developers

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Paid transcription opportunity: Freelance coordinator for OpenScore sub-project / university research project

• 6 years ago

We are delighted to announce a paid opportunity for a freelance coordinator to manage an OpenScore sub-project, funded by the University of Cambridge Arts and Humanities Impact Fund 2017/18. The project will be co-supervised by Mark Gotham of the University of Cambridge, and Peter Jonas from OpenScore.

The Project

This project will contribute a collection of 19th Century Lieder (by Schubert, Schumann and others) to the OpenScore collection, making the songs freely available to everyone, and accessible in

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Google Summmer of Code 2017, 2 months done, 1 to go !

• 6 years ago

As you may know, MuseScore is part of Google Summer of Code 2017. During the past two months, we had 4 students working on 4 projects to make MuseScore better ! Let me give you an overview of the current status and what to expect in the next month.


divya-urs, mentored by Marc Sabatella, worked on improving accessibility in MuseScore 3. Her first job was to make it easier to navigate through every element of a score with

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OpenScore: First editions available! How to submit scores.

7 years ago • 34 comments

So far our Kickstarter campaign has raised 65% of the funding required to make OpenScore a success, and we only have 10 days left to get to 100%. Kickstarter funding is all-or-nothing, so if we don’t reach the target then we won't be able to review your contributions and turn them into OpenScore editions. You can help us by sharing the campaign on social media, telling all of your friends about it, and backing it if you can.



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New feature to test: MIDI out

• 7 years ago

MuseScore 2.1 and previous versions can send MIDI messages to external devices or synthesizers using JACK. Jack offers many great professional features, but unfortunately it’s hard to install on Windows and macOS, as it’s primarily a Linux software.

For many years, we didn’t want MuseScore to have an easier way to send MIDI events to the outside world, for two main reasons.

  1. MuseScore is first and foremost a music notation software. Its purpose is to easily create beautiful sheet
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OpenScore: Happy Birthday Gabriel Fauré!

7 years ago • 14 comments


Gabriel Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924)

We went public with OpenScore back in February at FOSDEM 2017, when we told the world about our plan to liberate public domain sheet music. Since then, we’ve been really busy spreading the word, meeting up with partners and other interested parties, creating demos and showcase projects, and generally getting everything ready for the upcoming launch of the Kickstarter campaign (not long to wait now!).

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MuseScore 2.1 is released

7 years ago

While the development of MuseScore 3 is ongoing and we are rebuilding a lot of features from the ground up, we wanted to bring you some of that work sooner—so here comes MuseScore 2.1! Built on top of the 2.0 series, with cherry-picked developments from the in-progress MuseScore 3, MuseScore...

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Join MuseScore for Google Summer of Code 2017

• 7 years ago

MuseScore is part of Google Summer of Code 2017 (GSoC)! If you are a student and you have aspirations to help improve the open source MuseScore notation software during the summertime, this is a unique opportunity to work together with the MuseScore developers and get paid for it. Learn how GSoC works and read through the student manual.

If you are considering applying, we have a list of ideas you can choose from. We'd love if you apply

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OpenScore: Join the transcription effort!

7 years ago • 62 comments

Exactly one month ago we introduced OpenScore to the MuseScore community, and one week ago we announced it to the world at FOSDEM, Europe’s largest open source software conference. OpenScore is a new initiative to digitise public domain music, including the works of the great classical composers like Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.

Introducing OpenScore at FOSDEM 2017

YouTube video: OpenScore - Join the transcription effort

Getting involved

OpenScore is only possible with your help. We would be extremely grateful if as many people as possible could

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