
Compilation of MuseScore with Visual Studio Community (MSVC) Release

• 5 years ago

We are pleased to announce a big step forward in compilation under Visual Studio and MSVC respectively. Compilation under Visual Studio Community is now available and fully supported.

Why do we need it?

MuseScore 3.0 is based on the latest Qt version. Unfortunately, QtWebKit which is used for MuseScore Connect is not presented in QT since version 5.4. So we migrated from QtWebKit (QWebView in particular) to QtWebEngine. Unfortunately, QtWebEngine team doesn’t maintain libs for MinGW due to the

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MuseScore 2.3.2 Release

• 5 years ago

We are pleased to announce the release of MuseScore 2.3.2 which resolves several significant pending bugs, as well as a few regressions.

Among the fixes in this release is the “Upload Score Audio” issue. Now, If you use custom soundfonts or the MDL extension and share your score to using Save Online with the upload score audio feature, the score upload process should just work and playback should be as intended.

Another improvement is increased volume of Zerberus

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MuseScore 2.3.2 and "Upload Score Audio" fix

• 6 years ago

MuseScore 2.3.1 Release

• 6 years ago

Edit: After the release of MuseScore 2.3 on June 29th 2018, we found a couple of regressions that we addressed in MuseScore 2.3.1 released on July 6th 2018. We also updated all languages to latest translations. Check out the 2.3.1 Release Notes.

We are pleased to announce the release of MuseScore 2.3

MuseScore 2.3 is a unique release. Though a large number of improvements have been focused on percussion, this release contains bug fixes and other improvements that make

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MuseScore 2.3 Release Candidate

• 6 years ago

UPD (28.06.2018): the current version of MuseScore is 2.2.12 and is published as Release Candidate. The links below have been updated accordingly. Check out almost complete Release Notes.

UPD (25.06.2018): the current version of MuseScore 2.3 Beta is 2.2.11, the links below have been updated accordingly. Check out last changes and fixes.

UPD (20.06.2018): the current version of Beta is 2.2.10, the links below have been updated accordingly.

Today, we are announcing the public release of the MuseScore

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Mastering MuseScore Online

• 6 years ago

My name is Marc Sabatella, and if you're reading this on the forums at, you probably already know me as one of the developers of the software and a (very) frequent contributor here. You may also know me as the author of the comprehensive guide Mastering MuseScore, and if you've been around long enough, you may remember me as the composer of the song Reunion that was long used as the demo for MuseScore.

Today, I am excited

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Planning for a MuseScore 2.3 release

• 6 years ago

On April 3rd we released MuseScore 2.2.1. As stated in the announcement, the next major version of MuseScore, version 3.0, is still in the works. It’s big endeavor to make MuseScore smarter, faster and easier to use.

In the meantime, we are continuing to further develop the new MuseScore_General SoundFont and quality of playback based on the input and insights of the community.

One area of playback where there has been considerable feedback has been percussion (especially

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Strings Freeze for MuseScore 2.2

• 6 years ago

MuseScore user interface is available in 64 languages. Right now only 18 translations are 90% or more complete. We want to make sure that as many translations are completed for the release.

To give translators a head start, a "Strings Freeze" for MuseScore 2.2 is now on. Starting from now, we will not change or add any string in the code. Any string you translate now, will end up in MuseScore 2.2!

If you want to know how complete the

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Help us improve the sounds in MuseScore

• 6 years ago

Hello fellow MuseScorers! This is S. Christian Collins, virtual instrument designer and creator of the GeneralUser GS SoundFont. I have been asked by MuseScore to make some major upgrades to the default SoundFont for the next version of MuseScore (and beyond).

My goals for the new SoundFont include:
1. Improve the quality of the instrument sounds, starting with those most frequently used in scoring.
2. Address known issues with the current SoundFont, including notes that are out of tune, and

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MuseScore joins Ultimate Guitar

• 6 years ago

Cross post from the MuseScore blog.

Dear all,

Today we’d like to share important news with you concerning MuseScore.

Ten years ago we (Werner, Nicolas and Thomas) started working on MuseScore with the mission to democratise access to sheet music. The plan came in two steps. First by developing free music notation software for everyone, then followed by a platform to upload and share sheet music. The latter is a commercial service which sustained the development of the free

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