
MuseScore 3.0 under development: MuseScore gets smart

8 years ago • 167 comments

Part 1 of 3

For all that MuseScore 1 was a decent entry-level scorewriter, it wasn’t until 2.0 that MuseScore really started to compete with the biggest names in the industry—astounding coming from a free and open-source project that no one had ever heard of five years earlier. It took a few years longer than anticipated, but when MuseScore 2 arrived it was simply massive.

Since then, from March 2015’s release of MuseScore 2.0 through April 2016’s release of

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Students Announced for Google Summer of Code 2016

• 8 years ago

The list of students selected for Google Summer of Code 2014 has been announced by Google. Among the 1206 students selected, 4 of them will be working on MuseScore this summer!


Project: Improving default playback

Johannes Wegener (hpfmn) will improve the default playback of MuseScore by updating our SF2 synthesizer and improving our new SFZ synthesizer. He will be mentored by Werner Schweer (wschweer).

Project: Semi real time MIDI note entry

Peter Jonas (

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MuseScore 2.0.3 is released

8 years ago

Since the release of MuseScore 2.0.2 last July, MuseScore development has been continuous. New contributors alongside old friends have been fixing bugs and adding enhancements. We are therefore very pleased to release MuseScore 2.0.3, the stablest and most powerful MuseScore yet.

Download MuseScore 2.0.3

Check out FTP to get old...

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Join MuseScore for Google Summer of Code 2016

• 8 years ago

MuseScore is part of Google Summer of Code 2016 (GSoC)! If you are a student and you have aspirations to help improve the open source MuseScore notation software during the summertime, this is a unique opportunity to work together with the MuseScore developers and get paid for it. Learn how GSoC works and read through the student manual.

If you are considering applying, we have a list of ideas you can choose from. We'd love if you apply

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New features in the nightly builds

• 8 years ago

As the result of a quick reunion in Germany together with Werner and Thomas, several new features have been merged into master and so now appears in nightly builds. First, a selfie or it didn't happen.

Team meetup in Germany

There were 67 open pull requests two days ago. We merged 29, and closed or sorted for later several others. Most of the PR were about bug fixes but some implements new features. While we are into numbers, MuseScore has been written

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MuseScore 2.0.2 is released

• 9 years ago

Continuing our commitment to keep improving MuseScore and to provide timely updates, today we announce the availability of MuseScore 2.0.2, our best and most stable release to date!

This release, like 2.0.1 before it, focuses primarily on stability, with over 100 more bugs fixed. But we couldn't resist making a few additional enhancements!

New Features

  • Playback of trills and other ornaments as well as glissandi and bends, with controls to customize or
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Announcing "Mastering MuseScore," the definitive guide to MuseScore 2

• 9 years ago

Back in February, Thomas announced a plan for documentation for MuseScore 2 that included a new book I was writing. As you may have seen if you subscribe to the MuseScore newsletter , this book, entitled Mastering MuseScore , is now available for sale !

Please excuse the commercial annnouncement, but I hope you will be as excited about this as I am.

As most of you know, the online Handbook that has provided the core of the documentation for

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MuseScore 2.0.1 is released

• 9 years ago

A month after the release of MuseScore 2.0, we are pleased to announce the availability of MuseScore 2.0.1 which comes with 100+ bug fixes.

When we released 2.0, it had been more than two years since the release of 1.3. This was deliberate, as we knew 2.0 was a major undertaking and we wanted to get it right, but we also knew we wanted to have more frequent releases going forward.

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MuseScore 2.0 Release Candidate

• 9 years ago

Today, we are announcing the release of the MuseScore 2.0 "Release Candidate". A release candidate means that we have done everything we plan to do for the 2.0 release, but we are welcoming one final round of testing to be sure we have not forgotten anything. Assuming all goes well, there will be a final official release of MuseScore 2.0 on March 24 that will be identical to this release candidate except for updated translations (see below). At that point,

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Documentation for MuseScore 2.0

• 9 years ago

From our first MuseScore users survey back in 2013, we learnt that the number one request was more and better documentation. In the meantime, as we were packing great new features into MuseScore 2.0, the need for good documentation would become even more necessary. So with the 2.0 release nearing, let's check what the state is of the documentation and what we can still do in the weeks to come.

Written documentation

First there is the 2.0 handbook which

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