Beam across measures
When trying to make a beam that starts with the last note of one measure and that extends to for example the 4th note of the following measure this does not work. See figures for more information.
When I select the note in the first measure together with the 4 notes in the second measureand then double click "middle beam' I get one beam spanning also the first 5 notes in the first measure.
What I want is: a beam of 5 notes in the first measure and a second beam of 5 notes starting with the sixth note of the first measure...
Seems to be fixed in trunk. Marked for 1.0 in case it's easy to solve
Sorry, I am rather new here: what do you mean with 'fixed in trunk'? And Marked for '1.0' ? I am using musescore 1.0...
Thanks for your help!
Trunk refers to the current code for MuseScore 2.0. There might be a 1.X release based on the code of MuseScore 1.0 before MuseScore 2.0. That's why I marked this bug for 1.X, in case it can be solved.
Still present in 1.X but fixed for 2.0.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
When will musescore 2.0 become available?
Probably later this year. Please do not reopen issues that have already been fixed and closed, though.