PS export errors

• Jun 8, 2011 - 16:21
S4 - Minor

Try to export the attached cample score to PS. When I do, several things happen when viewed in GSVIEW:

1. Part of the tempo text gets duplicated but inverted (sometimes just the quarter note, sometimes it includes the tempo number)
2. The page is shifted up, so the title gets cut off.

Attachment Size
sample.mscz 1.59 KB


Addendum: #1 happens the most often for other scores. The page shift doesn't always happen.


This was from the first file (called sdfg.mscz, attached) that got me researching this. Note the title is cut off, and the quarter and tempo# are inverted.


Attachment Size
sdfg.mscz 1.65 KB

Win7 32bit. This happens under the 1.0 release and my own 1.x build, Qt 4.7.3. I just re-verified it with a quick piano score, created a tempo marking of "x = 75 Adagio". The title is almost entirely gone off the top of the page and the quarter note in the tempo is duplicated, inverted.

Under the latest 4348 nightly (Qt 4.7.3), the title is almost entirely off the top, but the tempo marking is OK, no duplicate inverted portions.

For both, it appears the entire page is shifted too far up.

OK, I know why the page title is going off the display in GSVIEW... because I didn't have the page size matching between MS and GSVIEW. Once I set them both to the same thing (in this case Letter) the title was OK. However, as in #1, the tempo inversion issue still stands in MS 1.0. and MS 1.x with Qt 4.7.3. In the trunk, with the latest Qt, there's no problem.

No, I compile both 1.x and 2.0 with the latest public Qt direct from Nokia, 4.7.3. I know that Qt 4.8 is almost ready, and Werner is using it, but I won't go there until it's released.

Since this is a problem in 1.x but not as far as I can tell with 2.0 using the same Qt libraries, this is still an issue in 1.0.