Explode/Implode crash

• Jul 29, 2011 - 16:36
S5 - Suggestion

I downloaded Explode/Implode and it appears in my Plugins menu. However, every time I've tried to use it MuseScore crashes. I'm running Windows Vista 64 bit - is there an issue with that perhaps?


Which one is crashing - Explode or Implode? What version of MuseScore? I developed it for 1.1. My recollection is that it does work on 1.0, but not in all cases. I don't think I knew of any crashes, though - just places where if you didn't select a meaningful region first, it would produce nonsense results. Could you post a sample score and specific instructions to reproduce?

Status (old) active fixed

The problem was caused by me. I inadvertently included a section of single notes - when I defined a region that included only chords it worked fine.

Thanks for the prompt response.

Title Program crash Explode/Implode crash
Status (old) fixed active

Even if you managed what you wanted, could you tell us the steps to reproduce the crash?

I'll try:
1) Copied track of 3 note chords to 3 adjacent blank tracks. That worked,
2) Selected all notes in these 3 tracks. I failed to notice that the very last note was a single pitch, not a chord.
3) Clicked on Explode. Program crashed

This occurred twice each on 2 PCs - one running Vista 64 bit and the other Windows 7 32 bit.

When I redid the above steps but left off the final single note everything worked.

Confirmed - thanks for the report! I couldn't find a way in the plugin architecture to get MuseScore to do what I would really have wanted - to delete the note completely from all but the first voice - but I've at least eliminated the crash. If there are notes it can't deal with, it now leaves them alone. Feel free to re-download and install the plugin.