THREE ISSUES with version 2.0.3

• Aug 7, 2016 - 19:07
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

1. Can we close the gaps between the ends of the bar lines and the note stems in TREMOLO notation?
2. Can we control the number of hyphens appearing between lyrics syllables, especially when they are spread far apart?
3. In the presence of two or more staves, we can use a bracket to join them, as for the chorus parts. When opting to hide empty staves and only one staff contains notes, the bracket disappears. I would like to see the bracket remain, if only to identify the chorus part in the presence of one or more solo staves for which I don't want to use a bracket.
Will these issues be addressed in version 3?


These questions are better asked and discussed on the forum. If any of them turn out to not be possible in current 3.0 builds, please open separate feature requests for them.