Tie feature not working properly in Nightly 4829, present in 4611

• Oct 21, 2011 - 10:54
S4 - Minor

In MuseScore Revision 4611 (1.1), the if I have one note selected and then select the Tie button by hitting +, the current note is automatically prolonged with the previous value that I selected before hitting the +.

In Nightly 4829 this doesn't work anymore.

I REALLY like this feature, it is very productive, could you guys please make it come back?



@schepers Feel free to refer to the open issue using markup [#XXX] where XXX is the number in the url. You can also set the status this issue on 'duplicate'.

I didn't want to waste the time trying to find the topic. I should have marked the topic as "duplicate", though.

(As I said in another thread, I find the usage of [#xxxxx] includes to be flaky at best. I would say about 30-50% of the time it doesn't work for me. Generally I include the entire http:// line just to avoid the issue. If I use the PREVIEW button and it doesn't expand the include, it isn't working)