File won't open

• Dec 8, 2011 - 05:30
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Hello, my problem seems fairly simple. Muse Score was working fine earlier today, but for some reason now it won't load the music that I have been working on. Specifically, I opened the program and went to FIle, then Open.... I clicked the title of the piece that I was working on and either double-clicked it, or clicked Open. The small window closed, but nothing appeared in the main page. I tried the same thing with other projects in the same program and in the same session, and they opened without any problem. I don't know why this is happening, and I would appreciate any advice on the subject. Thanks!


I don't know what happened. I saved the file and there was about a page of music, or more. I will try to attach it again, and see whether it makes a difference. My computer has been giving me some trouble lately, so I don't want to rule out the possibility that it may be my computer, but I'm not a guru. Thank you!

Attachment Size
Untitled.mscz 4.13 KB

I've just tried saving a file to my flash drive rather than my hard drive, and it works, so now I don't really have a problem, but it may be good to look into the trouble with saving pieces, just in case. Thank you!

No, it's not the attachment, something happened to this file and its blank, all zeros.

The 2.0 development version at least gives you an error when you try to open it: "unknown file extension or broken file".