Crash by selecting a time signature after splitting a measure
GIT commit: 221f20b / Windows7
1) "My First Score"
2) Select the first whole rest, and press 6 (to obtain two half rests)
3) Ctrl + Del (on the first half rest, already selected) for splitting the measure, referring to the new feature of "timewise delete".
4) Simply select (click on) the time signature
First result: a warning window appears (Runtime Library etc.) -> click on "OK"
Final result: crash
It dies with an assertion failure:
Fatal: tickValue(0xfffffc40) not found (...\MuseScore\libmscore\sig.cpp:289, void Ms::TimeSigMap::tickValues(int, int*, int*, int*) const)
Stack trace just before that:
1 Ms::TimeSigMap::tickValues sig.cpp 289 0x8c8795
2 Ms::ScoreAccessibility::barbeat scoreaccessibility.cpp 227 0x66570f
3 Ms::ScoreAccessibility::currentInfoChanged scoreaccessibility.cpp 128 0x664090
4 Ms::ScoreAccessibility::updateAccessibilityInfo scoreaccessibility.cpp 185 0x665261
5 Ms::MuseScore::endCmd musescore.cpp 4568 0x49e7e9
6 Ms::ScoreView::select scoreview.cpp 3777 0x416a7d
7 Ms::SelectTransition::onTransition scoreview.cpp 475 0xd1c5a3
8 ZN20QStateMachinePrivate24executeTransitionContentEP6QEventRK5QListIP19QAbstractTransitionE 0x68a3bae5
9 ?? 0x28c908
Fixed in branch master, commit 6a1eb186bf
fix #140016: Crash by selecting a time signature after splitting a measure
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.