Can't open "Volta Properties" {Mac OSX 10.9.5]

• Nov 12, 2016 - 05:44
Reported version

Following the instructions on page 206 of Mastering MuseScore under "Changing the ending number," I right clicked [on my Mac that would appear to require pressing "control" with "command" although it's not covered in the manual] on one of the symbols in the palette and a dropdown box of sorts with the word "properties" appeared, but nothing in the box responded to further clicking, so I was unable to enter any text or complete the operation. Can you suggest what might be wrong? Thank you.

GIT commit: 6347ed6


Status (old) active closed also talks about right-click, on Mac with their single button mouse this seems to be called secondary-click and indeed means to use Ctrl+click. You don't do this on a Symbol in the palette though, but on the volta in the score (after having added it, via the palette)

For support questions like this please use the Forum rather than the bug tracker.

BTW: I don't see any mention of right-click or "Change the ending number" on page 206 of my copy of Mastering MuseScore, I have that ion page 202 ?!? But even there it doesn't talk about doing this on the symbols on the Palette, it reads:

place the volta using one of the existing symbols, then right-click the symbol

Well, of course that means the symbol you just added to the score, not the one from the palette. Might not be as clear as it could have been.

FYI, we update "Mastering MuseScore" periodically - to fix typos reported by users, to document new features as they are added, etc. So there can be slight page discrepancies from one printing to the next.