Rehearsal mark: text frame has changed in the nightly

• Nov 25, 2016 - 15:38
Reported version
S4 - Minor
by design

Win 7 / eb36276

The attached file was created in 2.0.3. When opened in the nightly, the frame around the rehearsal mark text has changed shape, although the nominal property values in "Text style" have not changed:

(MS 2.0.3)
(MS nightly)

Attachment Size
rehearsal_mark_frame_wrong.mscz 12.54 KB


Well, there is more to it than that: what this examples shows isn't a rehearsal mark becoming *more* square but rather *less*. Still, I do suspect it is a side effect of that same change, and/or the change in how sizes of text elements are calculated. And I don't think it is a bug. The text margin is set to only 0.1sp, which is very small, and 2.0.3 was actually allocating considerably too much space above and below. 3.0 is interpreting that more correctly from what I can see.

Yes, but that is only because the score has changed the text margin to a much smaller value than the default and 2.0.3 failed to honor that change correctly. 3.0 is honoring that request correctly whereas 2.0.3 did not. 3.0 looks better when sticking to the defaults.