mezzo forte, forte and fortissimos are missing the little crossbar

• Jan 23, 2012 - 05:45
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I installed Musescore on a new HP laptop with Window 7. When I click and drag any dynamics with the forte symbol (mf, f, ff), the crossbar in the F does not appear in the music. The interesting thing is that I have the exact same Musescore version installed on my older desktop (Dell with Windows XP). If I save the music on a thumb drive from the newer laptop and then reopen it on my desktop, the dynamics all appear correctly. Any idea what is causing this and do you have a fix for it yet.


I also have WIndows 7 and have the same problem. I don't have this installed on any other machine so I don't know if it's related to the operating system. If anyone has an answer, that would be great.

I noticed that the crossbars in the F will disappear depending on the amount of zoom. At 110% and 121%, they are gone, also at 90.9% and 75.1%. At others they are back. Seems like a font rendering issue, not the font itself or Win7.

Status (old) active closed

It's due to the Zoom level indeed. If you zoom out enough, you will not see the full measure rests as well. I close this issue.