Meta data for SVG export

• Feb 26, 2012 - 07:00
S5 - Suggestion

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Open a MuseScore file (using a 2.0 nightly build)
2. File > Export...
3. In the Export dialog choose SVG
4. Open the SVG (in Firefox)

Expected behavior: Page title (displayed in the Firefox tab) should match the title of the music

Actual behavior: Page title is "Qt Svg Document"

Discussion: When available, we should use the MuseScore metadata (Available at Edit > Meta Data). For example:

MuseScore Meta Data SVG Metadata
Creation Date Date
copyright Rights
movementTitle/workTitle Title
source source

As a fall back, consider using the generic Title "MuseScore" (or nothing at all), so we are advertising MuseScore rather than Qt.

For a full list of the SVG metadata open the file in Inkscape and choose File > Document Metadata

MuseScore version: r. 5375 nightly build

(Operating System: Windows 7)
