Horizontal navigation for score and part tabs exceeding screen in native

• Apr 2, 2012 - 00:53
S5 - Suggestion

1. Open Lilacs_0 (from here ).

Result: Tabs of parts are cut off.

Discussion: I would recommend implementing horizontal navigation for score and part tabs that exceed the screen - an example of this is FireFox (features arrows on each side).

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5512) - Mac 10.7.3.


Because we don't have arrows to control tabs that exceed the screen, the window of the software extends to fit everything.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5516) - Mac 10.7.3.

I don't see any issues under Win7 R5516. There are arrows on the right side of the parts tabs that let me scroll the tabs left and right. Am I missing something?

Title Horizontal navigation for score and part tabs exceeding screen Horizontal navigation for navigator, score and part tabs exceeding screen

Could you show me an image of this?

Title Horizontal navigation for navigator, score and part tabs exceeding screen Horizontal navigation for score and part tabs exceeding screen in native

Ah, I see it too - thanks.

The reason I couldn't originally, was because I use 'native' (instead of dark, or light).