Disappearing stem

• May 5, 2012 - 04:14
S4 - Minor

I need to create a drum set score with snare drum, bass drum and hi-hat with pedal in one voice, all stems going up.
When I input all three instruments there is no stem on the hi-hat with pedal and the notes condense. I'm using a mac (osx 10.7.2) and musescore 1.2
Here are the steps I take after setting up a new score:
Click on eighth note, click on note entry.
Click on acoustic snare and enter 8 eighth notes.
Click on acoustic bass drum, click on voice one and enter eighth notes on 1 and 3
Click on Hi-Hat with pedal, click on voice one and enter eighth notes on 2 and 4.
No stem on beats 2&4.
Attached is an example.

Attachment Size
Hi-Hat Test.mscz 2.06 KB


Confirmed on R5592/Windows XP Pro SP3

@shapsticks: Are you intending to write the code to fix this? If not you should unassign yourself from the bug. That field is there for the project coders to use to indicate they are working on the issue.

Component switched to Code as it is a coding problem.

No, I'm not writing code to fix this (wish I could). I was told to use the issue tracker and not just post a report. Can you tell me the proper way to inform musescore of a bug, thanks!

This is the right place to report the bug - you just leave the Assigned field as Unassigned and eventually one of the coders will take it on.

I've unassigned you :)