Stem detaches when adding particular drum note lower than existing one

• Aug 31, 2012 - 00:45
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.2).
2. Enable 'Note Entry'.
3. Click on a note in the drum palette lower than the one on the stave.
4. Click on the note on the stave.

Result: The stem detaches.

Discussion: It may only apply to certain drum notes - if you can't reproduce after step 4, move the note vertically to try others using the keyboard, or drag it. The stem becomes more detached if the note is further away.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (e3d119f) - Mac 10.7.4.


For the record, MuseScore keeps a list of Notes per chord, sorted by pitches and computes stems/beams using the top and down note in the chord. These notes are found by pitch. In the case of drums, a note can be "MIDI pitched" higher than another one but be drawn lower. Thus the issue.