Notes changing colour

• Jan 15, 2017 - 18:21

After a series of transpositions in which a tune originally written for treble clef was lowered onto a bass clef the low notes have all turned red. Can I turn them back to black?


In reply to by Shoichi

But realize, if they are red, that means they probably are indeed not playable for the instrument you are using. So you should be considering whether it really makes sense to write those notes for that instrument, or whether you should use another instrument, or change the octave, etc.


Sur une partition, j'aimerais rougir les notes de plusieurs mesures que je ne joue pas mais que je veux conserver afin de mieux suivre.
Le faire note par note est faisable mais un peu long.
S'il était faisable de le faire mesure par mesure voire par phrase, cela me satisferait mieux.
Par avance merci de m'indiquer la solution si elle existe.


Sur une partition, j'aimerais rougir les notes de plusieurs mesures que je ne joue pas mais que je veux conserver afin de mieux suivre.
Le faire note par note est faisable mais un peu long.
S'il était possible de le faire mesure par mesure voire par phrase, cela me satisferait mieux.
Par avance merci de m'indiquer la solution si elle existe.

In reply to by Antier

Google translate (my French is not sufficient):
On a score, I would like to blush the notes of several measures that I do not play but that I want to keep in order to follow better.
Doing so by note is feasible but a bit long.
If it were possible to measure it by measure or phrase, it would satisfy me better.
In advance thank you for telling me the solution if it exists.

I guess 'rougir' should not mean 'blush' but 'make red'.
English Forum → English reply ;-) (there is a French form too):

Click first note, shift+click last note, right-click one of them, "select all similar in selection", change color.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

from google translate "I use the "inspector" to color the notes I make one by one.
I would like to know whether it is possible to do it by measure or phrase.
Thank you for the answer."

Select multiple notes the way jojo suggested. Or select the range, scroll down to the bottom of the inspector and chose notes. If you want more than the note head colored then you will need to select each item (stem, beam...) individually to change them. If you select a range of measures the inspector will give you the option of selecting all the notes or all the rests. If you select notes and scroll down to the bottom of the inspector it lets you select individual items (the heads are selected at this point). You have to repeat this process for each item.

@jojo - sorry I thought there was a style on the speed menu that you were suggesting. It doesn't exist. I think specifying the inspector helped to clarify for the OP.

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