Measure length often crashes

• Jul 13, 2012 - 15:51
S2 - Critical

i realise this nightly is a bit old but i am using it to write a book of traditional music, often a page will consist of more than one "tune" i am splitting them with vertical frames and adding titles, changing key signature etc is all working fine however this type of music often has pick-up measures (anacrusis) either at the start of a tune or tat the start of the second half, whilst assigning a bar a new meter seems to work fine on a new document, often when halfway or so though a document, i.e starting a new tune on the same page muse score will crash, the file will then refuse to allow this action for example adding a pickup bar in 1/4 every time i restart muse score it will crash again. there seems to be a standard problem perhaps a coding conflict ?

any help would be appriciated and please let me know if you need specific data.



What operating system are you using? Can you provide exact steps to reproduce?

It's generally better to report on the latest nightly, incase it has since been fixed.

Please read this .

Originally reported in 2.0 Nightly Build (6e12077).