Copy-pasting between transposing and non-transposing instruments causes crash
(Running Windows xp)
1) Create a score with a flute and a Bb clarinet
2) Write a G quarter on the flute, and a C# on the clarinet
3) Copy the C#
4) Select the G and click paste
Somewhat related issue: #17369: Copy-pasting between transposing and non-transposing instruments creates notes with coloured heads
Originally reported in 2.0 Nightly Build (r.a3d5580).
Which G and which C#?
Please include MIDI note numbers if possible.
Hmmmm, I don't know this nomenclature.
The C is the 'middle C', with one ledger line under the staff.
The G is the one found on the 2nd line of the staff.
(the staffs have conventional G-clefs)
Followed your instructions and MuseScore crashed.
Windows XP Pro SP3/MuseScore 2.0 R53f6f8d
This no longer appears to be a problem. Tested on 7c7ca30. Feel free to re-open if you can duplicate, and provide more information on exactly how you are selecting the note, whether you are in Concert Pitch mode or not, etc.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.