Applying fermata to a note halves tempo.

• Jul 24, 2012 - 11:15
S4 - Minor

1. Load attach score.
2. Make sure metronome is engaged and press play

Expected result: Fermata has no effect on playback
Actual result: Fermata halves the tempo

A pause (fermata) is of indeterminate length, and should be determined in playback by the use of a tempo change, not forcing the piece to play at half speed, as this can upset invisible tempo changes being set by the user for interpretative playback.


For me, it works as expected. Except the tempo change for a fermata should be customizable by the user. Using an invisible tempo change should not be required.

Maybe I'm too used to articulations not affecting playback in 1.2 :)

Having said that - it currently isn't customisable - or if it is I can't see how!

So if it won't be customisable by the time of the 2.0 release then maybe it should revert to the 1.2 behaviour??