Return to home position (Page View/Continuous View)

• Jul 26, 2012 - 15:44
S5 - Suggestion

It would be nice if MS return to home to position: (beginning note of the score)
1. Page view mode from continuous mode or
2 Continuous mode from page view mode


To reiterate my comment in that thread:-

Now that would annoy me no end.

MuseScore jumping around when you're editing in page view is bad enough - but to be returned to "Go (do not collect £200)" each time you switch mode is a definite nono!

Consider this case:
1. You're playing a score at middle of the score in the 'Continuous View' mode.
2. Stop Play the score.
3. Now, change to 'Page View' mode from the Continuous View' mode
4. You may have the hard time to find where your score display is.

Why should it be hard? I'd expect the measure that was being displayed while in continuous view mode to still be displayed when switching modes. If it worked like that, finding your place would be easy. Now, this is *not* currently the case - I can't tell how it decides what to display upon change of mode. But my expectation would definitely *not* be to jump to some random place like the beginning of the song - I expect it to do it's best to keep the *same* place. If I want to go back home rather than staying in the same place, it's a single click to get there - just as it would if I weren't changing modes. Makes sense to me.

Hi Marc,
If you switched the mode during playing mode, MS displays properly. But if you stop play at middle of the score in Continuous view mode then switch to 'Page View ' mode, the score display is no where to find. (This was happened on WIN OS)

Right, as I said, it doesn't currently work as I would expect if I switch after stopping playback - it appears to display some random place in the piece. But the fix to me is to make it work as expected - to do it's best to display the same measures - not to annoy everyone by having it always reset to home. If you really want to go home, you can get there in one click whether you switch views or not. But if you want to stay in the same place - as I'd guess 99% of people would want 99% of the time - having it automatically go home would be a huge pain in the neck, as there would be no easy way to get back where you were.

Status (old) needs info fixed

FWIW< I changed the behavior a while back so it should now do a very good job of showing the same spot in score when switching modes. As good as can reasonably expected given that they might be showing different numbers of measures due to the different layout, anyhow. So between that the fact that the home key works (and bugs were fixed there too, so it's guaranteed to always return you to a visible place), I think we can consider this fixed.