Build Czech handbook PDF

• Aug 11, 2012 - 14:11
S4 - Minor

The complete Czech translation of the handbook can be found at


Title Build Czech handbook PDF Build Czech handbook PDF - update


I would like to ask for the update of the manual in PDF form. The best day would be the Monday. :) (Before that day I will replace some pictures with newer versions).


Actually it would be nice to see all PDFs updated. Many online handbooks recieved updates since 1.2 got released (for sure the English and German ones did).

Title Build Czech handbook PDF - update Build Czech handbook PDF
Status (old) fixed active

Making this issue active as you requested to rebuild the PDF.

We need to find a better way to do this. Storing the PDF in SVN is not a good idea anymore.
Do we have some space where we can send the PDFs?

Status (old) active fixed

GitHub is even a worse idea since git is not designed to store binary information, maybe even less than SVN. We will find some better hosting.

For the time being the PDF are updated.

Hosting the pdf on an option since we want to keep the webserver strictly for serving the site, not for serving static files. It reduces maintenance and support issues. The prereleases server could have been a solution but has proven to be suboptimal lately since the hosting company decided to put a firewall in place with IP blocking on FTP access for users from outside the US. So together with the handbooks, we are looking for a better hosting solution. Addon issue with the handbooks: there is manual intervention needed to compile the PDF files. Best solution would be a service which can run the python script and dump the PDF files on a static file server.

I added this to the roadmap for documentation. and are currently hosted on the same web server. Not an option. We can split up the discussion in 2 parts btw: making a service of the python script to build the pdf handbooks at regular times, storing the pdf files on a file server. In both cases, we want to lower the maintenance costs which are now to high as there is manual work involved. So if someone would like to pick up the task to maintain a python service which updates the handbook pdf files at regular times, feel free to let us know.