
• Mar 8, 2017 - 17:12

I think I know the answer but just to confirm please. If I want to use the tablature function for say an acoustic guitar, the system does not automatically insert the correct number for the appropriate string as I insert a note in the normal stave - correct? If I am wrong then wow but.......

Thank you.


This should work, if you're having added the tab stave as a linked staff to the normal one (or used the corresponding template) and the number of strings and their tuning is set up correctly

Just one caveat: there are of course often up to six different possibilities for which string/fret can be used to produce any given note. MuseScore will try to choose what it thinks is most appropriate, but it's nowhere near as good as a skilled guitar player in figuring this out. So you might disagree with its choice and need to override it. The Handbook explains how to do that as well.

In reply to by mike320

Once again thanks to all but...

I have re-read all of the instructions (famous last words that will come back to haunt me) and it seems to me that it will only put the tab automatically in if the instrument stave/staff and the Tablature stave/staff are linked. Regardless of whether I try a new score or and old (guitar) one when I want to add a linked tablature staff the 'add stave' or 'add linked stave' buttons are not highlighted and hence not available. I am using MuseScore 2 Version 2.0.3 down loaded 12 Nov 2016.
You guys seem to know what you are doing and I thought I was reasonably savvy - clearly I am not. Any other suggestions?

Thanks again.

In reply to by bobloes

"Regardless of whether I try a new score or and old (guitar) one when I want to add a linked tablature staff the 'add stave' or 'add linked stave' buttons are not highlighted and hence not available."
My guess is you select the instrument (incorrect: "add staff" or "add linked staff" are inactive)
instead to select the staff (so, ability now to add a staff or a linked staff)
If not, please attach your actual score and provide details about you are trying to do.

In reply to by cadiz1


Thank you very much for taking the time to provide that demo. I was clearly not clicking on the 'staff' (in my version stave but no matter) hence not highlighting the add linked stave button. After that I had been writing my old 'scores' in piano mode and hence would only give me a bass staff when adding linked.

So two things
One really grateful to you and all the others for helping me with this.



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