Slur disappears after save/load

• Jan 20, 2013 - 11:12
S2 - Critical

Slurs are not displayed after close and open the file.
Here is the message in command line :
remove incomplete Spanner Slur
remove incomplete Spanner Slur
The screenshot displays the edition just before saving.
The file as saved is also joined.

Version 3df14c5
Compiled in Mageia 2.

Attachment Size
musescore.png 9.04 KB
Essai.mscz 1.84 KB


I can reproduce it with 4d34280 on WinXPpro SP2, the 1st slur apprears further down on the page, the 2nd stays where it is.
Deleting the 1st results in a crash -> critical
Reapplying the 1st resuts in that 'stray' slur to disappear, but after a reload we're back to square one.
A tie instead of a slur works like it should

I have compiled the new one from the git.
But mscore does not start.
I get :
name2type: invalid type
: xml read error at line 1176 col 54: point

Perhaps some waste form precedent installation?

It seems I'm a little late for this issue (stated as closed in above thread), but the issue is happening to me; slurs are not saved - i.e., they disappear after quitting and relaunching. I'm running version 1.3 (revision 5702) on Mac OSX 10.7.5

It is fixed in the upcoming 2.0 version, which yopu can test already, you get it from the download page, if you scroll doan a bit
Not sure though whether we're really talking about the same problem, as I have never seen slurs disapearing in 1.x

As it turns out, the problem was not with musecscore - but with Dropbox. I'm saving my transcriptions in Dropbox, and there was a syncing glitch - my mistake.

I have this problem with MuseScore 1.3 on Fedora 19 (Linux) and Windows 7. Also, tremolos disappear.
There have been no previous installations, nor have the affected files been worked on an older version of MuseScore.