Help about QT(mac) to run the program

• May 18, 2017 - 02:53

Someone in the QT(mac) run up? Could you tell me how to run in QT under MAC under the program? I run up in xcode, but don't know how to run in the QT(mac).My English is not good, I hope you can understand me, thank you very much!


In reply to by hejiang

I might hazard to guess that it's almost impossible to conveniently develop MuseScore on Mac. As far as I know, there's no way to conveniently edit the .ui files in XCode without opening a Qt application, and you can't conveniently build the app in Qt Creator without opening XCode. (If there are any Mac developers more seasoned than I am, please prove me wrong on either or both fronts.)

In reply to by funnyflywheel

I'm not sure what you mean, quite a few people develop MuseScore on Mac. Have you read the compilation instructions? See…. But developing using QtCreator is more problematic, and what this thread is about. Seems to me I heard of some people having success recently, but I don't see anything in the instructions about that, so it may well be that much at least is not convenient even if it's possible.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

To add my two cents: all my development work for MuseScore is done on Mac using Xcode. Works out of the box by following the instructions in the handbook. Note that for my kind of work I never have to edit .ui files.

Obviously I do have working Qt Creator installed, but as this is an unsupported environment for MuseScore on Mac, I never bothered to use it.

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